An Open Letter to Trump’s True Believers: The Cult That Sold Out America—and Itself
Part 1 of "The Anatomy of American Betrayal"—A 3-Part Series Exposing the 7 Types of Trump Voters Who Unleashed Disaster and Doomed Themselves
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This is the first installment of “The Anatomy of American Betrayal,” a three-part series dissecting the seven types of Trump voters. And we begin with the worst of them—the cultists, the cowards, and the outrage junkies who let their blind rage pave the way for tyranny."
The Anatomy of American Betrayal
You did this. You put him back in power. And now, you’re watching everything you believed in fall apart.
The rallies are over. The chants have faded. The red hats are fraying at the edges. The man you worshiped has returned to office, and reality is here to collect. The economy you thought he’d protect is unraveling. The freedoms you claimed to cherish are being trampled—not by some “woke mob,” but by the very man you swore was fighting for you. Your town is struggling, your paycheck is shrinking, your kids’ futures look bleaker by the day.
And the worst part? This isn’t just a downturn—it’s decay. Trump isn’t just burning the house down; he’s making sure there’s nothing left to rebuild. The damage isn’t just temporary—it’s structural. He’s gutting the very institutions that once kept your community, your family, and your future afloat.
But you won’t admit it, will you? Not yet. Because to admit it means facing the truth: You were lied to. You were used. You were played.
There are seven types of Trump voters. Some are too far gone—so wrapped up in delusion that they’ll go down with the ship, still cheering. Others are just beginning to feel the sting, the slow realization that they bet their futures on a fraud. And some? Some are already drowning, searching for an excuse, a scapegoat, anything to avoid looking in the mirror.
This first installment of this three-part series is about the true believers—the ones who sold their souls to Trump completely. They’re not just voters; they’re cultists, cowards, and outrage addicts who let their rage blind them to reality. These are the people who screamed about tyranny, only to embrace an actual dictator. Who raged against government overreach, only to cheer when Trump consolidated power for himself. Who claimed to love law and order, only to excuse every crime their leader committed.
They were the most devoted, and now they are the most betrayed.
Let’s meet them.
Trump Voter Type 1: The Cultists Who Worship Him
The True Believers Who’d Cheer Their Own Execution
You wear the red hat like a badge of honor, convinced that Donald Trump is the only man who can save America. But look around—what exactly has he saved? Your wages? Still stagnant. Your grocery bills? Higher than ever. Your community? More desperate and broken than before. The jobs he promised? Gone. The prosperity he vowed to restore? A mirage. And now, thanks to Trump’s purge of federal workers, even basic public safety is collapsing.
You weren’t just a voter. You were a believer—marching at rallies, buying the merch, defending every scandal, every lie, every crime. You screamed about draining the swamp, but now you're drowning in it. Trump’s second-term cabinet is filled with Wall Street puppets, sycophants, and corrupt yes-men who wouldn’t cross him if their lives depended on it. The government isn’t working for you—it’s working for him. And in the name of “efficiency,” his new Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) is gutting the very agencies that protected your health, your safety, and your future.
You wanted a strong America? Instead, you got a country in freefall. Our enemies don’t fear us—they’re laughing. Trump’s foreign policy is a disaster: he’s dismantling NATO, cozying up to Putin, and giving China more economic leverage than ever. India and Brazil, once reliable allies, are now cutting deals with China while the U.S. economy stumbles. His latest tariffs, meant to “punish” China, backfired spectacularly, making the cost of American-made products skyrocket while China retaliates by cutting deals with our former allies. You thought he’d “put America first.” Instead, he’s put you last. And while he blusters about strength, he’s weakened America in the most fundamental way—by hollowing out the very institutions that kept you safe.
You wanted a fighter? Trump fights for one thing and one thing only—himself. DOGE’s mass government purges include firings of nuclear safety experts and air traffic controllers, creating real national security risks—but you still cheer. You called universal healthcare "socialism" while Trump gutted pandemic preparedness programs, fired food safety inspectors, and let disease surveillance agencies collapse. And now, thanks to his chaotic government purges, entire federal departments are being run by unqualified MAGA loyalists whose only job is protecting Trump’s power.
And where is Trump while you suffer? Not in Washington. He’s holed up in Mar-a-Lago, surrounded by billionaires and lobbyists who would never let you through the front gate. He’s using campaign donations—your donations—to pay off his legal debts while you struggle to afford rent. He’s purging federal agencies, dismantling watchdog groups, and silencing critics so that he and his inner circle can operate without oversight. You keep sending him your last $20, while he spends millions on lawyers and golf trips. MAGA billionaires like Elon Musk are running government departments as if they were a tech giant, gleefully laying off thousands with no plan beyond their own power and profit. Meanwhile, Trump is already hinting that he’ll never leave office again—no matter what the law says. You demanded law and order—but now the only law is whatever protects him. And order? The only order left is the disorder he’s unleashed.
You say you love America. But America isn’t thriving under Trump—it’s rotting. The very institutions that kept your community afloat—FEMA, the FDA, the CDC, even the Department of Veterans Affairs—are being gutted by billionaire-funded radicals who think governance is a joke. The rule of law? Bent to his will. And you? You’re still cheering. Still clinging to the illusion that he’s your champion, even as he robs you blind.
You wanted a savior. You got a con man. And when he’s done using you—when the economy crumbles, when your town is unrecognizable, when your benefits are gone, and your vote no longer matters—what will you do then?
Trump Voter Type 2: The Fake Tough Guys
Cowards Wrapped in Flags
You call yourselves the backbone of America—the rugged individualists, the law-and-order crowd, the defenders of freedom. You scoff at “safe spaces,” mock anyone who shows an ounce of compassion, and wear your patriotism like a shield. But let’s be honest—you’re not strong, and you’re certainly not brave. You spent years ranting about government overreach, only to kneel before a man who rules through corruption, vengeance, and extortion. You claim to love the Constitution, but you cheered as Trump trampled it to consolidate power. You talk about courage, yet your entire movement is built on fear—fear of immigrants, fear of progress, fear of losing your unearned dominance. You aren’t warriors. You’re enablers.
And now, you’re the ones suffering under the weight of the strongman you worship. Trump’s second-term policies are gutting the very institutions that protect you. You thought you were getting “law and order,” but what you really got was chaos and collapse. DOGE’s mass purges have fired thousands of first responders, air traffic safety officers, and disaster relief workers. Your police departments are gutted, your fire stations are understaffed, and your small-town police department, already struggling, now has fewer officers, longer response times, and outdated equipment. Crime rates are soaring—not because of "woke DAs," but because Trump defunded your town’s law enforcement while funneling cash to his billionaire donors. There aren’t enough firefighters to respond to the rising number of climate-driven wildfires, but sure, keep chanting ‘MAGA’ while your house burns down.
You claimed to support the troops and veterans, yet Trump’s latest budget gutted VA hospitals, privatized veteran healthcare, and cut benefits for disabled service members. The soldiers you pretend to respect? They’re waiting even longer for medical care, getting lower pensions, and watching Trump funnel defense money into private military contractors who don’t answer to the American people. You scream “Support the troops!” while backing a man who mocked POWs, called fallen soldiers “suckers,” and pardoned war criminals while slashing funding for actual heroes. His new “Patriot Purge” program is forcing out career military officers who don’t swear loyalty to him, replacing them with far-right yes-men. But sure, tell me again how you’re the defenders of democracy.
You claim to love America, but America is now weaker, more chaotic, and more vulnerable than ever. Not because of immigrants, liberals, or "the woke mob," but because of the very man you surrendered to like cowards. While you were ranting about transgender individuals, Trump was quietly selling off federal land to foreign investors, gutting national security protections, and dismantling the agencies that actually keep you safe.
You wanted strong communities, but Trump’s economic policies are destroying them. His reckless tariffs have driven up fuel prices, increased the cost of farming equipment, and squeezed small businesses to death. Your favorite factory just shut down—again—because Trump’s trade war tanked American exports. His budget slashed rural healthcare subsidies, closing down hospitals and leaving entire towns without emergency services. You thought he was fighting for the working class? Then why are factory closures accelerating, why are trucking companies going bankrupt, and why are your neighbors losing their jobs?
And let’s talk about your “tough guy” act. You love to whine about "cancel culture" and "snowflakes," but no one melts down faster than you. You screamed that liberals were weak—yet you demand protection from history lessons, gender pronouns, and books about race. You claim to hate “big government,” yet you applaud when Trump expands executive power and crushes free speech. You claim to love the Constitution, yet you cheer as he shreds it, consolidating power like a wannabe dictator. You say you’d fight for your country, but you can’t even fight for your own dignity.
And now, you’re paying the price. Your paychecks are shrinking, your towns are dying, your children’s futures are fading, and yet you still salute the man who made it happen. While you’re busy chanting at rallies, Trump is sitting in Mar-a-Lago, surrounded by billionaires, laughing at how easy it was to make you his pawn. You thought Trump’s America would make you powerful. Instead, you’re weaker, poorer, and more disposable than ever.
You can wrap yourself in as many flags as you want, but patriotism isn’t blind loyalty to a con man. You didn’t defend America—you helped sell it to the highest bidder. Your vote didn’t make America great again—it made you a useful idiot in your own destruction.
Trump Voter Type 3: The Outrage-Addicted Lunatics
QAnon & Culture War Fanatics
You never cared about policy, governance, or even reality itself. You wanted a fight—any fight—and Trump gave you one. You weren’t looking for leadership; you were looking for an enemy, someone to blame for your own failures. And Trump, ever the showman, kept you hooked with an endless supply of manufactured grievances—migrants at the border, drag queens reading books, diversity programs in corporations, Disney movies, the supposed “war on Christmas.” Every day, a new enemy to scream about. Every day, a new excuse for why your life is a mess.
And while you were screaming about pronouns and M&Ms, Trump was handing control of your government to billionaires and frat-boy hackers with no experience running a country. DOGE fired the very experts who could have prevented the next pandemic, but you were too busy rage-posting about Target’s Pride Month displays to notice.
Now, as Trump barrels through his second term, what exactly has all that outrage gotten you? While you were boycotting Bud Light, your property taxes went up because Trump’s tax cuts for billionaires had to be offset somewhere. While you were screaming about trans athletes, your employer cut jobs because Trump’s reckless tariffs jacked up supply chain costs. While you were smashing Starbucks cups in protest of “woke capitalism,” your town’s last grocery store shut down because of Trump’s economic policies. While you were calling teachers “groomers,” your school district collapsed under the weight of underfunding, leaving your kids stuck in overcrowded classrooms with underpaid teachers.
You thought you were “owning the libs,” but all you did was help destroy your own quality of life. While you were foaming at the mouth over CRT in schools, Trump’s administration made it easier for banks to screw you over. While you were raging about “woke” corporations, Trump was handing billions in tax breaks to the same companies that laid you off. While you were setting your Nikes on fire, Trump was making sure hedge funds could buy up your neighborhood and jack up your rent. While you were laughing at liberals for being “soft,” Trump was cutting disaster relief funding—so when the next hurricane, wildfire, or flood wipes out your town, there won’t be money to rebuild.
And then there’s the conspiracy cult you bought into. You believed Trump was fighting a secret cabal of pedophiles, that Democrats were running child sacrifice rings, that the election was stolen by an international plot. You told yourself the next big reveal was just around the corner. Remember the mass arrests you were promised? The shadowy deep state he was going to expose? How many times did you move the goalposts, waiting for the next insane prediction to come true? How many "sealed indictments" never happened? How many arrests did you swear were coming? And while you were scouring QAnon message boards for coded messages, the real corruption was right in front of you—Trump looting the government, stacking courts with loyalists, and rewriting election laws to ensure he never loses power again.
And now? Now, Trump is turning on you. He doesn’t need you anymore. The “Q” drops have dried up, the MAGA influencers who lied to you are cashing out, and Trump’s newest circle of power doesn’t even pretend to care about your fantasies anymore. He’s purging disloyal MAGA figures from government. Conservative media figures who once carried his water? Silenced or exiled the second they questioned him. He’s criminalizing protest, expanding surveillance, and making it easier for the government to prosecute “dissidents”—and yes, that includes his own supporters. You spent years calling the left “sheep,” but now your leader is turning America into a police state, and you’re still clapping like trained seals.
Trump’s second term is exposing your entire movement for what it really is—an empty, never-ending cycle of paranoia, fear, and self-destruction. You thought you were part of a revolution, but you were just a pawn in a con designed to distract you while the powerful looted the country. You were never fighting for America. You were fighting for a fantasy, a carnival act designed to keep you entertained while Trump and his billionaire allies emptied the treasury.
And while you sit there, seething over the next invented controversy, Trump is doing what he’s always done—ignoring you, using you, and laughing at how easy it was to get you to fight for absolutely nothing.
Conclusion to Part 1: The First to Fall
You thought you were winning. Instead, you were just useful.
Now that Trump has consolidated power, he doesn’t need you anymore. The MAGA influencers who told you to “trust the plan” are cashing out. The billionaires who used you don’t even pretend to care. The only thing you accomplished was making life worse for yourself.
You marched for him. You bought his MAGA merch while he spent millions on golf trips. You cheered his lies while he sold your future to the highest bidder. And now that you’re broke, exhausted, and humiliated, he’s laughing at you from his golden palace, surrounded by people who wouldn’t let you through the front door. Or the back door for that matter.
But you’re not the only ones suffering.
Some people didn’t worship Trump—they just thought they could profit off him. They weren’t true believers, just selfish opportunists who assumed they could game the system. But here’s the thing about betting on a con man: eventually, the con catches up with you.
That’s what Part 2 is about—the people who thought they were too smart, too rich, or too detached to suffer the consequences. Their world is about to collapse, too.
Up Next: The Selfish & The Blind
Upgrade to a paid subscription for early access to Part 2!
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I read every word, and I’m with you. The precision, the clarity, the refusal to let anyone wriggle free from the consequences of their own choices—it’s all here, and it’s necessary. You cut through the fantasy with a clean blade. I have nothing to add to your breakdown of these voter types, just my full agreement.
Yet, I think there’s a missing layer—one that speaks to history repeating itself in ways too many refuse to see. The traits you name—the blind loyalty, the addiction to outrage, the contempt for reality—aren’t new. I recognize them. I grew up surrounded by them. I have watched them shape the country I was born into, just as they shaped others before.
Großmannssucht isn’t exclusive to any one nation, but I have seen how it thrived in the Germanic world, how it fueled not just the wars that scarred Europe but the delusions that still simmer under its surface. The same contempt for the “weaker” other, the same worship of force over reason, the same arrogance that pretends to be pragmatism. Trump isn’t just an aberration—he’s an echo. And his movement, like so many before, draws from that same well.
There’s also a connection that I don’t think has been fully acknowledged. The Germanic traits—Trump, Thiel—and the Boerish influence—Musk. It’s not just their origins, it’s the ideology that binds them. Thiel’s parents emigrated to Apartheid South Africa, carrying their National Socialist ethos with them. Thiel concurs. Musk concurs. They aren’t just accidental beneficiaries of this lineage; they embody it, wield it, and perpetuate it. The same greed, the same supremacist logic, the same conviction that power is its own justification.
And it’s because of all this—because I have seen where this leads—that I have decided to leave. I won’t watch it unfold again from inside.
You’re doing what needs to be done. Keep going.
Brilliant piece of writing! Very well stated.