Thank you so much for your kind words and support—it truly means a lot! I’m glad the articles resonate with you, and I deeply appreciate all readers, whether free or paid. While subscriptions help sustain this work, I’m just grateful to have you here engaging with the content. Thank you for being part of this community!
Thank you for your outstanding work and the insightful facts you share in your articles. I truly appreciate your generosity in making your content accessible to those who can't afford a subscription at the moment. It means a lot to be able to read your pieces, and I always look forward to your next article.
Thank you so much for your kind words and for taking the time to share your thoughts—they mean the world to me! It’s readers like you who make this work so rewarding. I’m truly glad that the articles resonate with you and that you find them valuable.
Your readership, whether as a free or a paid subscriber, is immensely important. While paid subscriptions help sustain the effort it takes to create and share this work, I understand that not everyone is in a position to contribute financially. I’m just grateful to have you here as part of this community, engaging with and supporting the content in whatever way you can. Thank you again for being a reader—I’ll do my best to keep delivering pieces you enjoy and look forward to.
Thank you for a brilliant piece. I do not have enough time left on this planet to acquire the patience to be empathetic to these particular cultists. Explaining documented facts to them is like shouting into an F5 tornado. Active resistance is all I can do; there will be a People's March on January 18 so if you aren't in the DC locale, check to see if one is in your area here:
Also, don't watch the clown show on Jan 20. Low ratings will drive the convicted felon even more nuts. Find a way to honor the Civil Rights heroes with a day of service to your community instead, even if it's only making a food bank donation.
Thank you for the kind words about my piece—I truly appreciate it. I’ll admit, you’ve hit on a painful truth for me: I often talk about the need to sway MAGA followers away from their cultish delusions, but in practice, I have neither the patience nor the empathy to do so. Hypocrisy? Probably. Talking to them about documented facts is like trying to teach astrophysics to a brick wall.
So, I channel my energy into resistance. That’s why I support you urging people to join the People’s March on January 18. If DC isn’t an option for readers, find one near you here:
Numbers matter. Action matters.
And whatever you do, don’t feed the narcissist-in-chief on January 20 by watching his absurd little ego parade. Ratings are his oxygen—let’s suffocate him with indifference. Instead, spend the day honoring actual heroes. Donate to a food bank, volunteer, or find another way to do something meaningful. Let’s turn his freak show into a celebration of integrity and service.
I don't know how ratings systems work, but one thing’s certain: I won’t be tuning in—just like I didn’t in 2016. The thought of even a faint psychic or cosmic connection to him? No. Now, if he swaps putting his hand on the Bible for putting both in handcuffs? I’ll watch the replay on repeat.
Im not watching, either. He doesnt deserve my support. To the contrary, he is only worthy of my distain, my disgust, and repudiation. MLK, Jr., on the other hand, deserves this day of honor, respect, and love. So, yes, do something good in and for the country on this day. Honor MLK, Jr., and all the other civic leaders who came before, and after, him. Live, love, and be of service on that day.
Evidently, it depends on your TV; many smart TVs gather watching information and send it to their masters, even if you are using free streaming services.
But if there is an arrest on stage (highly unlikely), watching it on recap shows will count as something else entirely.
Mersault, I love your work and read every single one I can. I’d love to become a paid subscriber, however, my son and I are living in a homeless shelter, trying to stay fed and afford our necessities. I’ll continue to read and restack all your articles, because I enjoy your content and the unique way you present it. Thanks for sharing yourself and your work with us, it’s truly inspiring and appreciated. 💗
Donna, you’ve been one of my most loyal and engaged subscribers for a long time. As a token of my appreciation, I’ve gifted you a 1-year paid subscription. Enjoy, and I wish you and your family nothing but the best!
Wow! Thank you from the bottom of my heart, dear Mersault! I’m almost in tears right now, tears of happiness and gratitude. You’re an incredible human, and I do appreciate your token of kindness and love. 💗
Recently watched a Jonestown episode of Dateline and was struck again by the similarities between Jonestown and MAGA. Friends of mine at work and I felt this the first time the big orange thing ran for President. In fact we talked about all the people who drank the MAGA Kool Aid. And we talk about it still. Additionally, I watched a report on Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker and thought the merchandise hawking reminded me of MAGA. (Though Jim and Tammy Faye were far more benign) I’ve been able to see most of the MAGA merchandise- what I saw was all made in China. And the Trump “bible “ is about as close to blasphemy as you can get - how is it that the MAGA Christian crowd can’t see this violates the 2nd commandment about graven images? Probably the same way they see no evil in their “fearless “ leader. Superb article - I wish the people who really need to see this would actually read it.
Your columns are always chock full of absolute truths and hugely informative exhortations. Thank you for your distillation of the essence of the cult of the fpotus. I cannot write his name, my fingers burn when I type it. The detailed comparisons of his cult compared to Jim Jones' Peoples Temple is brilliant.
Thank you for the kind words and for engaging with the comparisons! It’s critical we keep dissecting these parallels to expose the manipulation at play. Your support fuels the effort to bring these truths to light.
The last time I commented on one of your pieces, my little expression of praise got more likes than anything else I've ever written. I won't make THAT mistake again! :-)
I just discovered you via a link in a reader’s comment to a HCR letter. Thank you for this excellent information! I’ll be following up on the references to the work of Jackie Speier and Steve Hassan and take to my Indivisible group. I am encouraged by the connections I see in this Substack world.💙
Thank you, Mersault, for this brilliant satirical analysis and critique. Your essay lays bare the striking similarities between MAGA's dynamics and cult behavior, and it invites us to trace these patterns back to their historical roots. Many of these influences seem less broadly European and more specifically Germanic in origin, reflecting deeply ingrained norms and values brought to the United States by German immigrants and their descendants.
- The cult-like devotion you describe, where followers exhibit unwavering loyalty to a leader, can be linked to Germanic feudal traditions. In these systems, vassals pledged absolute obedience to their lords, reflecting a societal structure where hierarchy and submission were central. This mindset was reinforced by the militarized discipline of Prussia, where obedience was not just a virtue but a requirement.
- Scapegoating and fear-mongering, as exemplified by MAGA’s “enemies of the people” rhetoric, resonate with patterns seen in German history. The Kulturkampf under Bismarck targeted Catholics as a supposed threat to state unity, utilizing paranoia to consolidate power. Even earlier, witch hunts in German-speaking territories were some of the most severe in Europe, showcasing how fear was weaponized to control and divide communities.
- Charismatic leadership, which you satirically liken to both Jim Jones and Trump, finds deep roots in Germanic traditions. The Romantic era celebrated the notion of the singular genius or heroic leader who embodied the will of the people. This ideal later evolved into the Führerprinzip under the Nazis, where Hitler was seen as the living embodiment of Germany’s destiny—a dangerous precedent for elevating leaders beyond accountability.
- Rituals, chants, and slogans like those at MAGA rallies parallel not just modern propaganda techniques but also the emotional cohesion fostered by German Pietism. This movement emphasized shared spiritual experiences and collective performance as a means of creating unity and loyalty, a practice that heavily influenced American evangelical traditions.
- The commodification of loyalty, seen in MAGA merchandise like red hats and other paraphernalia, ties to the Protestant ethic brought by German immigrants. This ethic equated material success with moral virtue, laying the groundwork for devotion and faith to be monetized. In Germany, state-collected church taxes reinforced the idea that financial contributions signaled both faith and allegiance.
- Fear of dissent, an essential tool for cult control, has strong parallels in German history. Bismarck’s Kulturkampf labeled Catholics as dangerous dissenters, while the Nazi regime weaponized the concept of the “enemy within” to suppress opposition. This emphasis on quashing dissent mirrors MAGA’s treatment of critics and political opponents.
- Blind loyalty, where followers ignore overwhelming evidence of corruption or incompetence, reflects the German Romantic tradition’s idealization of leaders as infallible visionaries. This cultural tendency, carried into both authoritarian politics and religious movements, fosters a dangerous suspension of critical thought in favor of devotion.
Your essay reveals how MAGA's dynamics are not an aberration but a continuation of historical patterns deeply embedded in the Germanic cultural legacy. The parallels between these historical influences and modern movements like MAGA serve as a sobering reminder of how enduring these systems of manipulation and control can be. Thank you for presenting this with such biting wit and insight—it’s a necessary wake-up call.
Thank you for your thoughtful and detailed response. I deeply appreciate how you've expanded on the essay’s themes, tracing the historical threads with such precision. Your insights into the Germanic cultural legacy and its echoes in MAGA’s dynamics enrich the discussion and offer a powerful lens through which to view these unsettling patterns. I'm grateful for your engagement and perspective.
Mersault, I read many substacks and I find your letters to be nothing short of brilliant, spot on and thought provoking. I’m curious about the significance of your nom de plume, Camus's “Patrice Mersault.” I understand your preference in shielding your identity but wonder if you would reveal your academic and professional background—and other details you wouldn’t mind disclosing.
Thank you for your kind words and for being such an avid reader—it truly means a great deal to know the letters resonate with you. As for the nom de plume, "Patrice Mersault" felt like the perfect homage to existential defiance and the absurd—a reminder to challenge the narratives we’re handed, even as we grapple with the futility of ultimate answers.
As for my background, suffice it to say I’ve spent enough time navigating academia and professional circles to appreciate both their virtues and their vanities. My curiosity has always been insatiable, particularly for art, history, philosophy, literature, and the bizarre. Beyond that, I prefer to let the work speak for itself; the details, I fear, might ruin the mystique. Rest assured, I’m merely another absurd traveler, taking notes as we march toward the horizon.
That said, your curiosity is flattering—perhaps one day, I’ll peel back the curtain just a little more.
Outstanding--nailed it. (I would be a paying subscriber, if I could afford to be. Why doesn't anyone on substack offer a senior discount?)
Thank you so much for your kind words and support—it truly means a lot! I’m glad the articles resonate with you, and I deeply appreciate all readers, whether free or paid. While subscriptions help sustain this work, I’m just grateful to have you here engaging with the content. Thank you for being part of this community!
Thank you for your outstanding work and the insightful facts you share in your articles. I truly appreciate your generosity in making your content accessible to those who can't afford a subscription at the moment. It means a lot to be able to read your pieces, and I always look forward to your next article.
Thank you so much for your kind words and for taking the time to share your thoughts—they mean the world to me! It’s readers like you who make this work so rewarding. I’m truly glad that the articles resonate with you and that you find them valuable.
Your readership, whether as a free or a paid subscriber, is immensely important. While paid subscriptions help sustain the effort it takes to create and share this work, I understand that not everyone is in a position to contribute financially. I’m just grateful to have you here as part of this community, engaging with and supporting the content in whatever way you can. Thank you again for being a reader—I’ll do my best to keep delivering pieces you enjoy and look forward to.
Besides, Trump would charge for the Kool-Aid.
As is noted in the piece.
Oops, my bad
Thank you for a brilliant piece. I do not have enough time left on this planet to acquire the patience to be empathetic to these particular cultists. Explaining documented facts to them is like shouting into an F5 tornado. Active resistance is all I can do; there will be a People's March on January 18 so if you aren't in the DC locale, check to see if one is in your area here:
Also, don't watch the clown show on Jan 20. Low ratings will drive the convicted felon even more nuts. Find a way to honor the Civil Rights heroes with a day of service to your community instead, even if it's only making a food bank donation.
Thank you for the kind words about my piece—I truly appreciate it. I’ll admit, you’ve hit on a painful truth for me: I often talk about the need to sway MAGA followers away from their cultish delusions, but in practice, I have neither the patience nor the empathy to do so. Hypocrisy? Probably. Talking to them about documented facts is like trying to teach astrophysics to a brick wall.
So, I channel my energy into resistance. That’s why I support you urging people to join the People’s March on January 18. If DC isn’t an option for readers, find one near you here:
Numbers matter. Action matters.
And whatever you do, don’t feed the narcissist-in-chief on January 20 by watching his absurd little ego parade. Ratings are his oxygen—let’s suffocate him with indifference. Instead, spend the day honoring actual heroes. Donate to a food bank, volunteer, or find another way to do something meaningful. Let’s turn his freak show into a celebration of integrity and service.
Question, if I watch it on broadcast over the air tv, how would anyone know about it?
I’m curious to see if there will be an arrest on the stage instead of an oath.
I don't know how ratings systems work, but one thing’s certain: I won’t be tuning in—just like I didn’t in 2016. The thought of even a faint psychic or cosmic connection to him? No. Now, if he swaps putting his hand on the Bible for putting both in handcuffs? I’ll watch the replay on repeat.
Im not watching, either. He doesnt deserve my support. To the contrary, he is only worthy of my distain, my disgust, and repudiation. MLK, Jr., on the other hand, deserves this day of honor, respect, and love. So, yes, do something good in and for the country on this day. Honor MLK, Jr., and all the other civic leaders who came before, and after, him. Live, love, and be of service on that day.
Evidently, it depends on your TV; many smart TVs gather watching information and send it to their masters, even if you are using free streaming services.
But if there is an arrest on stage (highly unlikely), watching it on recap shows will count as something else entirely.
Smart TVs take snapshots and send them back to the manufacturer no matter what you’re doing
Once again you’re articles are widely researched, are chock full of facts, and food for thought!
Thank you so much! I’m glad you find the articles insightful and thought-provoking—it means a lot to hear that the effort resonates. 😊
Spot on!
Mersault, I love your work and read every single one I can. I’d love to become a paid subscriber, however, my son and I are living in a homeless shelter, trying to stay fed and afford our necessities. I’ll continue to read and restack all your articles, because I enjoy your content and the unique way you present it. Thanks for sharing yourself and your work with us, it’s truly inspiring and appreciated. 💗
Donna, you’ve been one of my most loyal and engaged subscribers for a long time. As a token of my appreciation, I’ve gifted you a 1-year paid subscription. Enjoy, and I wish you and your family nothing but the best!
Wow! Thank you from the bottom of my heart, dear Mersault! I’m almost in tears right now, tears of happiness and gratitude. You’re an incredible human, and I do appreciate your token of kindness and love. 💗
Recently watched a Jonestown episode of Dateline and was struck again by the similarities between Jonestown and MAGA. Friends of mine at work and I felt this the first time the big orange thing ran for President. In fact we talked about all the people who drank the MAGA Kool Aid. And we talk about it still. Additionally, I watched a report on Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker and thought the merchandise hawking reminded me of MAGA. (Though Jim and Tammy Faye were far more benign) I’ve been able to see most of the MAGA merchandise- what I saw was all made in China. And the Trump “bible “ is about as close to blasphemy as you can get - how is it that the MAGA Christian crowd can’t see this violates the 2nd commandment about graven images? Probably the same way they see no evil in their “fearless “ leader. Superb article - I wish the people who really need to see this would actually read it.
Excellent analysis! Hopefully the day is coming for the “followers” will open their eyes sooner rather than later.
Thank you! Let’s hope that day comes soon—critical thinking and open eyes are long overdue.
BTW, I did forward that via email to several friends. 😊
No doubt!
Your columns are always chock full of absolute truths and hugely informative exhortations. Thank you for your distillation of the essence of the cult of the fpotus. I cannot write his name, my fingers burn when I type it. The detailed comparisons of his cult compared to Jim Jones' Peoples Temple is brilliant.
Thank you for the kind words and for engaging with the comparisons! It’s critical we keep dissecting these parallels to expose the manipulation at play. Your support fuels the effort to bring these truths to light.
The last time I commented on one of your pieces, my little expression of praise got more likes than anything else I've ever written. I won't make THAT mistake again! :-)
Thank you.
This makes sense of something I've not understood for years now.
I've always thought of him as creepy.
I just discovered you via a link in a reader’s comment to a HCR letter. Thank you for this excellent information! I’ll be following up on the references to the work of Jackie Speier and Steve Hassan and take to my Indivisible group. I am encouraged by the connections I see in this Substack world.💙
Thrilled to have you as a reader, Deborah!
Thank you, Mersault, for this brilliant satirical analysis and critique. Your essay lays bare the striking similarities between MAGA's dynamics and cult behavior, and it invites us to trace these patterns back to their historical roots. Many of these influences seem less broadly European and more specifically Germanic in origin, reflecting deeply ingrained norms and values brought to the United States by German immigrants and their descendants.
- The cult-like devotion you describe, where followers exhibit unwavering loyalty to a leader, can be linked to Germanic feudal traditions. In these systems, vassals pledged absolute obedience to their lords, reflecting a societal structure where hierarchy and submission were central. This mindset was reinforced by the militarized discipline of Prussia, where obedience was not just a virtue but a requirement.
- Scapegoating and fear-mongering, as exemplified by MAGA’s “enemies of the people” rhetoric, resonate with patterns seen in German history. The Kulturkampf under Bismarck targeted Catholics as a supposed threat to state unity, utilizing paranoia to consolidate power. Even earlier, witch hunts in German-speaking territories were some of the most severe in Europe, showcasing how fear was weaponized to control and divide communities.
- Charismatic leadership, which you satirically liken to both Jim Jones and Trump, finds deep roots in Germanic traditions. The Romantic era celebrated the notion of the singular genius or heroic leader who embodied the will of the people. This ideal later evolved into the Führerprinzip under the Nazis, where Hitler was seen as the living embodiment of Germany’s destiny—a dangerous precedent for elevating leaders beyond accountability.
- Rituals, chants, and slogans like those at MAGA rallies parallel not just modern propaganda techniques but also the emotional cohesion fostered by German Pietism. This movement emphasized shared spiritual experiences and collective performance as a means of creating unity and loyalty, a practice that heavily influenced American evangelical traditions.
- The commodification of loyalty, seen in MAGA merchandise like red hats and other paraphernalia, ties to the Protestant ethic brought by German immigrants. This ethic equated material success with moral virtue, laying the groundwork for devotion and faith to be monetized. In Germany, state-collected church taxes reinforced the idea that financial contributions signaled both faith and allegiance.
- Fear of dissent, an essential tool for cult control, has strong parallels in German history. Bismarck’s Kulturkampf labeled Catholics as dangerous dissenters, while the Nazi regime weaponized the concept of the “enemy within” to suppress opposition. This emphasis on quashing dissent mirrors MAGA’s treatment of critics and political opponents.
- Blind loyalty, where followers ignore overwhelming evidence of corruption or incompetence, reflects the German Romantic tradition’s idealization of leaders as infallible visionaries. This cultural tendency, carried into both authoritarian politics and religious movements, fosters a dangerous suspension of critical thought in favor of devotion.
Your essay reveals how MAGA's dynamics are not an aberration but a continuation of historical patterns deeply embedded in the Germanic cultural legacy. The parallels between these historical influences and modern movements like MAGA serve as a sobering reminder of how enduring these systems of manipulation and control can be. Thank you for presenting this with such biting wit and insight—it’s a necessary wake-up call.
Thank you for your thoughtful and detailed response. I deeply appreciate how you've expanded on the essay’s themes, tracing the historical threads with such precision. Your insights into the Germanic cultural legacy and its echoes in MAGA’s dynamics enrich the discussion and offer a powerful lens through which to view these unsettling patterns. I'm grateful for your engagement and perspective.
Mersault, I read many substacks and I find your letters to be nothing short of brilliant, spot on and thought provoking. I’m curious about the significance of your nom de plume, Camus's “Patrice Mersault.” I understand your preference in shielding your identity but wonder if you would reveal your academic and professional background—and other details you wouldn’t mind disclosing.
Many thanks.
An avid, alas, curious reader.
Thank you for your kind words and for being such an avid reader—it truly means a great deal to know the letters resonate with you. As for the nom de plume, "Patrice Mersault" felt like the perfect homage to existential defiance and the absurd—a reminder to challenge the narratives we’re handed, even as we grapple with the futility of ultimate answers.
As for my background, suffice it to say I’ve spent enough time navigating academia and professional circles to appreciate both their virtues and their vanities. My curiosity has always been insatiable, particularly for art, history, philosophy, literature, and the bizarre. Beyond that, I prefer to let the work speak for itself; the details, I fear, might ruin the mystique. Rest assured, I’m merely another absurd traveler, taking notes as we march toward the horizon.
That said, your curiosity is flattering—perhaps one day, I’ll peel back the curtain just a little more.
Ahh, even your demurral is eloquently articulated.
Awaiting a time when you shed more of the mystery that makes up Mersault.
Still curious,
Ahh, even your demurral is eloquently articulated.
Awaiting a time when you shed some of the mystery that makes up Mersault.
Still curious,
Wow!! What an eye opener!