Perfectly written. Unfortunately, it just reminded me once again that, were it not for the celebrated ignorance and stupidity of a large segment of our population, this abhorrent con-artist would've already faced sentencing for his 34 felony convictions. At that point, his grip over the GOP and the unearned power it provided him would've already begun rapidly slipping away.
Instead, we've now been plunged further into the dystopian nightmare that we've been wallowing in for the past 8 years. The resentment, disgust, and seething anger I have for the 76 million rubes, racists, bigots, and nihilists who just chose this path for us all, grows stronger with each passing day. The continued void of good news, and the constant bombardment of bad news that keeps coming our way, only further feeds the flames.
Let's hope the new year delivers some completely unexpected and long overdue good news. I will NOT, however, be holding my fucking breath...
I am not convinced that there wasn't some cheating. The s.o.b. cheated. I don't know how, but there is no way he won by that much. I was shocked when I saw the political map. All red with a few peripheral states on the outside? I don't know how, but he cheated!
It really is such a stark contrast --- Jimmy Carter cared about people, lifted them up, gave them hope and dignity and fought for justice. He was also a man of great intelligence, compassion, integrity and wisdom. And then there's the Orange Menace ..... the antithesis of all those qualities, who wants to feel "all powerful" by ripping people from their homes, taking away healthcare and safety nets, persecuting people for having a sexual preference and incarcerating people who would dare stand up to his cruelty. There couldn't be a clearer juxtaposition.
And, yes, I believe you are very right, there would indeed be a huge, collective sigh of relief and very few tears - but, as others have pointed out, Vance and his rightwing Christian Nationalists are just waiting in the wings for this guy to "get out of the way" so they can swoop in and recreate their version of the Handmaid's Tale (no doubt complete with their clandestine brothels for the very devout Christian Leaders). Lets hope enough good people will stand up and fight to keep President Carter's vision and hope alive.
Beyond brilliant, and what an idea to write it as a counterpunch to what true greatness and humility President Carter embodied, every day. A carnival of corruption ... This post should be enshrined. You nailed it in every sense.
Would it be permissible for me to forward this to my state's republican officeholders with a note something like, "Is this how you want to be remembered?" Just wondering.
Love that idea ...... although I imagine they already know that their "Dear Leader" brings cold shivers down the spine of anyone with half a brain and an ounce of compassion ...... they're in it for the POWER, so they really don't worry too much about integrity, truth, , upholding the Constitution ..... you know, "little stuff" like that .....
It certainly wouldn't hurt. If they have conscionses, it may make them think. I suspect the only thing that could move them is the potential loss of their seat.
I think his bag boy Vance will be even worse—he’s just waiting for Trump to blow a gasket and he can move up. It's hilarious, though, that he’s been relegated to an also-ran since President-elect Musk appeared. The States is going to suffer. And so will we once the Orange Wanker’s tariffs are put in effect.
There’s no one who can out trump Trump. Even with Vance at the helm, all the others will be fighting each other for position. Vance does not command the same loyalty. Not an improvement but a different kind of chaos.
Well written -not entirely connected but why is that Mike pence was basically silent and has never been pressured into divulging what happened Jan 6 with he and trump . I dare say the election results would have been different if pence had exposed the orders and conversation first hand to the American public
I think he is a genuinely subservient species and that's why Trump selected him. I'm actually surprised that he held his ground and did not succumb to Trump's devious plan.
Yes I do agree to a point that he is submissive but I did think he knew what was right and he then did refuse but then I would have thought that at some moment in time he would have further realised that he needed to reveal all . But also I thought others were very quiet in demanding he speak
The mf doesn’t deserve that much ink. Maybe even none at all, that seems to be one of our tools. I’d post my smaller one but much of it is fairly profane, I’m not sure if that’s ok or not. For now just imagine all of the horrible condensed into a paragraph.
There can never be too much profanity when illustrating how Dump has profaned our society- any more than there can ever be too much shit and piss for Ronald Reagan's grave.
And the world was grieving when we lost Jimmy Carter. When the Orange Demon finally kicks the bucket, there will be cheers, dancing and champagne 🍾 around the entire world.
And instead of flying flags at half-staff, extensions should be added to the tops of flagpoles so that flags could be flown at more than full-staff as a sign of celebration.
Fat Ass is going to be Bigly disappointed at all the flags at half mast for his inauguration. I expect some kind of petty rant from the old fool about how poorly he was treated, worse than anybody in the world by the half mast flags.
Perfectly written. Unfortunately, it just reminded me once again that, were it not for the celebrated ignorance and stupidity of a large segment of our population, this abhorrent con-artist would've already faced sentencing for his 34 felony convictions. At that point, his grip over the GOP and the unearned power it provided him would've already begun rapidly slipping away.
Instead, we've now been plunged further into the dystopian nightmare that we've been wallowing in for the past 8 years. The resentment, disgust, and seething anger I have for the 76 million rubes, racists, bigots, and nihilists who just chose this path for us all, grows stronger with each passing day. The continued void of good news, and the constant bombardment of bad news that keeps coming our way, only further feeds the flames.
Let's hope the new year delivers some completely unexpected and long overdue good news. I will NOT, however, be holding my fucking breath...
I am not convinced that there wasn't some cheating. The s.o.b. cheated. I don't know how, but there is no way he won by that much. I was shocked when I saw the political map. All red with a few peripheral states on the outside? I don't know how, but he cheated!
Perfect obituary, I only wish it were true. I envision myself running in the house singing,”ding ding the witch is dead”.
Every morning, I wake with a prayer – – a good reason to publish and use this obituary! Thank you!
It really is such a stark contrast --- Jimmy Carter cared about people, lifted them up, gave them hope and dignity and fought for justice. He was also a man of great intelligence, compassion, integrity and wisdom. And then there's the Orange Menace ..... the antithesis of all those qualities, who wants to feel "all powerful" by ripping people from their homes, taking away healthcare and safety nets, persecuting people for having a sexual preference and incarcerating people who would dare stand up to his cruelty. There couldn't be a clearer juxtaposition.
And, yes, I believe you are very right, there would indeed be a huge, collective sigh of relief and very few tears - but, as others have pointed out, Vance and his rightwing Christian Nationalists are just waiting in the wings for this guy to "get out of the way" so they can swoop in and recreate their version of the Handmaid's Tale (no doubt complete with their clandestine brothels for the very devout Christian Leaders). Lets hope enough good people will stand up and fight to keep President Carter's vision and hope alive.
Beyond brilliant, and what an idea to write it as a counterpunch to what true greatness and humility President Carter embodied, every day. A carnival of corruption ... This post should be enshrined. You nailed it in every sense.
Would it be permissible for me to forward this to my state's republican officeholders with a note something like, "Is this how you want to be remembered?" Just wondering.
Love that idea ...... although I imagine they already know that their "Dear Leader" brings cold shivers down the spine of anyone with half a brain and an ounce of compassion ...... they're in it for the POWER, so they really don't worry too much about integrity, truth, , upholding the Constitution ..... you know, "little stuff" like that .....
Do it! Scare them into their senses.
It certainly wouldn't hurt. If they have conscionses, it may make them think. I suspect the only thing that could move them is the potential loss of their seat.
Bravo! Hope this gets to him and all who follow!
This obituary is absolutely brilliant! It should be preserved for the day when it will be required.
Here’s what also worries me; Orange Devil goes away, we get Vance. Soooo then what???? Frying pan into the fire or would he be an improvement? 🤔
We can deal with anything that follows. What’s most important would be that the orange POS is GONE. It would be so satisfying.
I think his bag boy Vance will be even worse—he’s just waiting for Trump to blow a gasket and he can move up. It's hilarious, though, that he’s been relegated to an also-ran since President-elect Musk appeared. The States is going to suffer. And so will we once the Orange Wanker’s tariffs are put in effect.
There’s no one who can out trump Trump. Even with Vance at the helm, all the others will be fighting each other for position. Vance does not command the same loyalty. Not an improvement but a different kind of chaos.
They only have their one Jim Jones, all the others are charlatans.
(Haha, see what I did there?)
Not unless you enjoy Christian nationalism, coupled with neo-feudalism Karen!!
Yeah, that’s what I thought. So either way we are so screwed. Which we knew obviously, it’s the cult that FA’d so now we all pay the price of FO 🥺
Couchfuck McGhee would be a total puppet to prez-unelect Space Nazi.
Or the little creep behind Vance.
Oh, if only...
Jeepers! Very apt, indeed. (Think he's gonna sue ya?)
Nice work. Well written obituary. Very comprehensive.
RIP Former President Jimmy Carter
RID trump
One a public servant, the other a public nuisance
Well written -not entirely connected but why is that Mike pence was basically silent and has never been pressured into divulging what happened Jan 6 with he and trump . I dare say the election results would have been different if pence had exposed the orders and conversation first hand to the American public
I think he is a genuinely subservient species and that's why Trump selected him. I'm actually surprised that he held his ground and did not succumb to Trump's devious plan.
Yes I do agree to a point that he is submissive but I did think he knew what was right and he then did refuse but then I would have thought that at some moment in time he would have further realised that he needed to reveal all . But also I thought others were very quiet in demanding he speak
The mf doesn’t deserve that much ink. Maybe even none at all, that seems to be one of our tools. I’d post my smaller one but much of it is fairly profane, I’m not sure if that’s ok or not. For now just imagine all of the horrible condensed into a paragraph.
There can never be too much profanity when illustrating how Dump has profaned our society- any more than there can ever be too much shit and piss for Ronald Reagan's grave.
I would love to read your trump obit. Bring it on!
And the world was grieving when we lost Jimmy Carter. When the Orange Demon finally kicks the bucket, there will be cheers, dancing and champagne 🍾 around the entire world.
And instead of flying flags at half-staff, extensions should be added to the tops of flagpoles so that flags could be flown at more than full-staff as a sign of celebration.
Fat Ass is going to be Bigly disappointed at all the flags at half mast for his inauguration. I expect some kind of petty rant from the old fool about how poorly he was treated, worse than anybody in the world by the half mast flags.
I wonder if flags at Mar-a-Lago are at half mast? Or do they only fly the Russian flag?
Along with his never-to-be-sufficiently-damned know-nothing maggat dupes and useful idiots.