Beyond the caricatures lies a chilling blueprint: how both leaders exploited grievances, scapegoated the vulnerable, and built myths of strength to dismantle democracy.
Excellent analysis of the chilling parallels between two mentally broken, hideous, tyrants. What a sad commentary on humans that we allow such demagoguery, and are fooled so easily.
The Hitler that loved his people and sought nationalism and cultural purity for all European nations. The Hitler that hated Communism and tried to protect Europe from the Bolshevik Communists. Hitler did not want the multiculturalism that is now destroying Christian culture in Europe and beyond.
The cruelty part is an oft repeated myth, and the drug addict part is over stated.
It has been horrifying to watch as the Republicans, and trumpers in particular, have spent the past decade normalizing their Hitler worship- remember Donnie had a book of Hitler's speeches by his bed when he was married to Ivana. They started with a few quotes: I remember the vile astroturf group Moms for Liberty citing a Hitler quote- and then walking it back- we didn't know it was Hitler. This happened a few times, then they stopped walking it back. By about three years ago, the trumpers had what Donnie wanted: his hero Adolf was now a respectable figure to the US right.
Plenty of the most deluded of the trumpers actually believe that the Jews were the cause of both world wars, every communicable disease, and have attributed amazing power to George Soros. The extreme support of Israel has nothing to do with the right modifying their hatred of Jews and everything to do with their plan for world domination when the right farm animal is born in the holy land. So sick.
There is an excellent podcast on Spotify that provides over 25 episodes about the rise and fall of Hitler from his early childhood to his demise. At various points throughout the discussion, the parallels between him and Trump are chilling.
And how perfect an illustration of Trump’s acolytes and their views is KJH. It’s almost parodic.
This article and how Patrice Mersault has skewered his critic persuades me to return, to support financially, and to say something in support against such ignorance and hateful comment.
More like Berlusconi at this point: a clown-show incapable of governing, attracting people through a mixture of grievance and entertaining (?) appeals to the mass's inalienable right to be wrong.
The ONLY way to deal with a shithead, Hitler loving Nazi is to BLOCK them. Just be rid of them. Don’t engage at all. They know their “arguments” are bullshit. Every propagandist does. You think Orange Anus Mouth believes his own bullshit? He knows he’s full of shit, just like this tiny-pricked motherfucker.
I agree with you, Dave. I also believe that with every word, he not only reinforces my argument that Trump supporters and fascists are ideologically intertwined, but he also exposes the depths of their mutual contempt for truth, decency, and humanity. By keeping his words visible, we allow others to witness the lingering hatred and its undeniable connection to Trump’s rhetoric.
Having said that, I have also I’ve deleted dozens of his subsequent unhinged rants—redundant recycled garbage spewed by someone too ignorant to think for himself. True to form, he resorted to threats, a predictable move for a coward clinging to the violent legacy of Nazis. Rest assured, the authorities have been informed.
I ask that readers refrain from engaging with him in the comments section. As Nazi love appears to be his only focus in life, he thrives on opportunities to spew his bile at any audience.
Yes, Trump has taken ideas of how to govern from Hitler and he has expanded those ideas with ideas from Putin on how to govern also. He wants to destroy Democracy and the Republican Party is willing to help him with whatever he wants.
On Großmannssucht, the Hanoverian Kings, and History’s Eternal Refrain
Mersault, your essay draws out the unfortunate persistence of authoritarian tactics with the precision of someone holding up a very unflattering mirror to history.
And what a history it is—rich with echoes of the Großmannssucht gene, that tenacious little thread of overreach that’s worked its way through Arminius to Charlemagne V, George III, George IV, Wilhelm II, Hitler I, and, yes, Trump 0.
Ah, George III, that “founding father” of the British Empire, who also happened to be King of Hannover—a place just 78 kilometers from where I sit, under the shadow of his statue that still rides tall in front of Hannover’s central station. He didn’t just inherit the Großmannssucht gene; he practically embroidered it into the fabric of two empires. His empire-building laid the groundwork for the British colonial machine while casually overseeing Hannover, as if one kingdom wasn’t already enough work.
George IV was no slouch in the grandeur department either, though his reign often looked more like a vanity project than effective governance. It seems this gene loves a good statue, a bold proclamation, and a soft spot for inherited power.
And now we find ourselves at Trump 0, where this gene has evolved into a reality-TV version of itself. No statues yet, but plenty of golden branding and a rally-ready base willing to chant the slogans. The tools may have changed, but the tactics remain the same: amplify grievances, scapegoat the vulnerable, and project strength while dismantling everything that holds a democracy together.
What’s fascinating is how these figures rarely succeed alone.
The Großmannssucht gene thrives in an ecosystem of enablers—courtiers, politicians, and followers who mistake self-aggrandizement for vision. It’s not just the kings, emperors, or wannabe dictators; it’s the systems and people that prop them up, clapping and cheering as the whole structure begins to wobble.
Your essay reminds us that history doesn’t just rhyme—it occasionally plagiarizes.
And here we are again, staring at the same narrative, hoping someone, somewhere, decides not to hit repeat. Maybe this time, Hannover won’t have to add another statue to the lineup.
Again, I ask what is the difference between ignoring and blocking someone on SubStack. What is the best way to prevent exposure the deluded and the vile that sometimes troll here?
I hear you, Frank. The best way to deal with the deranged is often to let them speak and reveal themselves for who they truly are. Sure, I could block him—but as Louis Brandeis famously said, “Sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants.” Trolls and their hateful rhetoric wither when exposed to light and the scrutiny of rational minds. With every sentence, he not only justifies my point that Trump supporters and fascists walk hand in hand, but he also lays bare the depths of their shared disdain for truth, decency, and humanity itself. By leaving his words in the open, we ensure that others can see the hatred still festering and its unmistakable alignment with Trump’s rhetoric.
Nevertheless, to block someone:
Go to the comment or profile of the person you want to block.
Click the three dots (•••) next to their name or comment.
Select "Block user" from the dropdown menu.
Confirm the action when prompted.
I’m not familiar with an official “Ignore” feature on Substack. Personally, I manage it the traditional way—by selectively dismissing certain people from my attention. After all, Substack offers plenty that’s worth ignoring.
I guess the proper word is mute rather than ignore, but nothing tells me the difference between muting and blocking. Maybe blocking is like Facebook where both can’t see anything the other writes while muting would make it so I don’t see his ramblings while he might see mine.
I should have asked him if the world was flat in his universe. Perhaps the earth is still the center of his universe. Or maybe the stars are just painted on a clear dome surrounding his earth. It takes all kinds I guess.
You're spot on. I checked out his profile (so you don't have to). He's a flat-earther, thinks the moon landing was faked, believes vaccines have microchips, and is neck-deep in the QAnon rabbit hole. My advice? Don’t bother engaging. As Mark Twain said, “Never argue with a fool; onlookers may not be able to tell the difference.”
You have mixed together a narrative containing truths and untruths about Hitler. Adolf Hitler gave Germans back their self respect that was taken from them following WWI. International Jews were responsible for both world wars, since the white culture of Germany was superior to other cultures it therefore was targeted for destruction by the international banking cabal.
The truth of the matter is that Germans were aware of the Communist Revolution in Russia and how the Bolsheviks murdered the Christians in Russia and also anyone who stood in their way. Hitler tried to prevent what happened in Russia to happen in Germany, (and also Spain) a predominantly Christian nation.
The “official” narrative of Hitler and WWII is mostly untrue.
Your comment, rife with historical inaccuracies and unapologetic antisemitism, serves as a chilling reminder of how deeply the rot of hatred and propaganda still festers. While I typically prefer to engage with arguments on their merits, your screed is utterly devoid of merit and serves only to illustrate the precise danger I addressed in my article.
Let’s unpack your points for the benefit of others reading, though I suspect you’ll cling to your warped worldview regardless.
First, your absurd glorification of Adolf Hitler as a champion of German "self-respect" is textbook Nazi apologia. What Hitler gave Germany was not self-respect but ruin: moral, social, and physical devastation on an unprecedented scale. His policies led to the deaths of millions, including 6 million Jews, millions of Slavs, Romani, disabled individuals, political dissidents, and countless others. His "vision" left Germany a smoldering wasteland by 1945, hardly a testament to "respect" by any rational standard.
Your claim that "international Jews" were responsible for both world wars is as vile as it is false. This classic antisemitic trope has been debunked repeatedly by serious historians, yet it remains a go-to for those who wish to cloak their hatred in pseudo-historical babble. The assertion reeks of Nazi propaganda, which blamed Jews for everything from economic hardship to cultural decline, all to justify genocide.
Moreover, your attempt to frame Hitler as a savior protecting Germany from the Bolsheviks is laughable. Hitler didn’t protect; he persecuted, invaded, and annihilated. His actions against the Soviet Union and others were driven not by noble ideals but by a warped racial ideology and lust for power. And your revisionist dismissal of the “official” narrative of Hitler and WWII is nothing more than Holocaust denial masquerading as contrarianism—reprehensible, dangerous, and legally recognized as hate speech in many countries.
To my broader audience, take note of this: comments like these are not mere disagreements—they are proof of the dangerous ideologies that persist in the shadows and now, alarmingly, in plain sight. This commenter is emblematic of the kind of person Trump’s divisive rhetoric and lies embolden: individuals who romanticize fascism, spread antisemitic conspiracy theories, and idolize one of history’s most notorious mass murderers. Their delusions are a warning sign of the perilous road we risk traveling again if we don’t remain vigilant.
To you, Mr. Hinnenkamp (assuming that’s your real name and not an alias borrowed from some revisionist chatroom), I’ll say this: your bigotry is showing. Your attempts to justify Hitler's atrocities or smear Jewish people as scapegoats for global conflicts are contemptible and betray a deep ignorance of history and humanity. Hitler was not misunderstood. He was not a savior. He was a tyrant, a murderer, and the architect of unspeakable suffering. To defend him is to align yourself with one of history’s darkest chapters, and for that, you earn nothing but scorn from decent, thinking people.
Finally, let me be clear: this conversation is not about you. You are merely a symptom of the sickness my original argument addressed. The disease is the normalization of lies, hatred, and authoritarianism, and you have graciously provided Exhibit A. Thank you for proving my point.
As for “forensic proof”, my family was there and lived through WWII - but they were devout Christians and part of the “resistance” who smuggled food and supplies to Jews who were hiding. My mother helped forge documents to help young German men with a conscience who wanted no part in this evil to get out. She was very good at it. So, trying to re-write history and convince people that none of this happened is an insult to anyone with a modicum of intelligence.
It's staggering to see how persistent propaganda can be. Even nearly a century later. The post Confederate "lost cause " narrative is another example. The lies that fuel tyranny are remain attractive to the worst parts of our societies and cling to life for generations
“What Hitler gave Germany was not self-respect but ruin:” The ruin of the German Christian nation was engineered by Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill. They all had Jewish handlers if you care to investigate the history honestly. But rather than do an honest historical review, you seem instead intent on defending the official narrative which has little truth in it.
Your propaganda is running out of steam. It’s clear you’ve spent considerable time “educating” yourself, but tragically, on hateful and reprehensible lies.
Blaming Germany’s ruin on a supposed cabal of “Jewish handlers” isn’t historical inquiry—it’s antisemitic drivel recycled from the very ideology that led to genocide. The overwhelming evidence of history, from Nazi records to survivor testimony, renders your revisionism not just false but morally bankrupt.
You may cling to these distortions, but the truth doesn’t bend to your hateful agenda. Your worldview is hollow, your arguments are pitiful, and your time has been wasted defending the indefensible.
I suggest you rethink where you invest your time and intellect—there’s no redemption in defending the indefensible.
“Defending the indefensible” is exactly what you are doing. If you have any truth to offer about the Holocaust, provide us with any forensic evidence. If the event really happened, there must be plenty of forensic evidence to be found. Many have searched for it and none can be found. If you come up with some, you would be the first to do so.
You are desperately trying to maintain your hate for Hitler and the Germans of WWII. Your belief system is not credible. It is yours, but it was framed by the lies we were all told. Some of us have looked into it and found the narrative lacking.
It is well known by now that the Nuremburg trials were influenced by threats and torture of the “witnesses.” Your knowledge of history is slanted by the lies of the “official” narrative. You may believe them, but to repeat them without serious investigation is disingenuous.
I must admit, I delight in this exchange—not because your arguments are compelling (they’re anything but), but because with every sentence you write, you unwittingly bolster my points. You exemplify the very denialism, revisionism, and deep-seated hate that I’ve been warning against.
Alas, I’ve grown weary of entertaining your vile worldview. It’s not thought-provoking; it’s tired, toxic, and profoundly irrelevant. Perhaps it’s time you found a more receptive audience—8chan, perhaps, where your revisionist fantasies will feel right at home.
I am still waiting for that forensic evidence you claim exists. Anyone following this exchange can look into the authors and info I have recommended here and decide for themselves.
And btw, who is behind the genocide in Gaza? Care to enlighten us? Is the ghost of Hitler back?
My guess is you are unaware of what was called the Holodomor. Who murders whom?
Wow! You spent 2 whole years in Germany and visited concentration camps? So Hitler justifiably killed millions of Jews to save Christians? Oh, honey, if THIS is what Christianity is all about, then I’m thrilled I’m not one. My mother was one of those Jews who managed to live thru the war in Berlin. Her first hand account paints the exact picture of where Hilter will always remain: at the bottom of the dung heap of history. And if you talk to Germans today; they are ashamed of their Nazi past. My mother died in 2011. She was always afraid of this country doing the same thing here. I’m ashamed to say, that I laughed at that prospect then. I will take my mother’s historical account of Hitler and the Nazis any day over your hatefilled interpretation.
Thank you for speaking up. One my dearest friends” parent survived Auschwitz and showed me their blue tattoos to make sure I fully understood the horror of that experience.
The Germans have been propagandized to hate their Nazi past. It was such that Ernst Zundel, a German, was led to believe the horrors committed by the National Socialists. He was ashamed to be German. Till he found out what the truth was.
Monika Shaefer, a lady of German heritage, was also propagandized by the public school system in Canada to be ashamed of her heritage.
So the demonizing of the National Socialists was part of the schooling (indoctrination) in Germany and Canada. And now we have lessons about the Holocaust being taught to school children in over half of the States in the US.
Both Ernst and Monika (and Monika’s brother) were incarcerated for questioning the truth of the Holocaust narrative.
So if the narrative was true, how did your mother manage to escape the trials and tribulations of the Nazi regime? And did your mother benefit from German reparations paid by the Germans to Jews who survived the Holocaust? Is there a monetary incentive to perpetuate the Holocaust narrative? You are damn right there is.
And that’s why they murdered so many of the confessing Christian ministers? That’s why Goebbels loved the ancient pagan rites and why Wagner’s Gotterdammerung sounds a fitting end to the horrors of Nazism.
You would have burned Galileo alive for his discoveries. I too am descendant of German immigrants, but unlike you and Trump, disavowed all the nasty Nazi claims and served loyally in the American military in both world wars. Obviously your family didn’t or they would be embarrassed by your antisemitism and fascism.
You cultists never give up. Fortunately you are fighting a losing battle. People are waking up all over the place to the lies of history that people of your cult promote.
I am not ignorant of history, both official and revisionist. As it turns out I spent two years in Germany and found the Germans to be gracious and kind, not the sort of people that would engage in genocide. They were Christians. Christians don’t indiscriminately murder people, German Christians or otherwise.
I visited Auschwitz in person. At the time I was undecided as to whether the Holocaust was real or made up. What I discovered is that the crematoriums on site were insufficient to dispose of all the bodies claimed to have been murdered there. Other historians have looked into Auschwitz and concluded that there was not enough fuel on site to have consumed so many bodies as claimed.
Since then I have been following those who have written true histories of WWII. One example is David Irving. He uncovered source documents and interviewed those that lived through the period and were still alive. He gathered diaries and minutes of meetings. His books are the most accurate portrayals of the time. I highly recommend his book on the Nuremburg Trials.
Obviously anyone who questions the official narrative is characterized as antisemitic. But as any thinking person knows, truth does not fear investigation. But lies require defense such as the antisemitism laws.
Your comment is a masterclass in pseudo-intellectual dishonesty, and it’s hard to know where to begin unraveling such a tangled mess of revisionism and ignorance. But let’s make one thing clear for everyone reading: your position isn’t about uncovering “truth”; it’s about peddling long-debunked Holocaust denial, wrapped in a veneer of faux-scholarly inquiry.
First, the claim that “Christians don’t indiscriminately murder people” is as ahistorical as it is absurd. Religious identity, including Christianity, has never been a shield against barbarism. German Christians—including members of the clergy—played significant roles in enabling and executing the Holocaust. The Holocaust was not a rejection of German society’s values; it was the culmination of them under a regime that fused centuries of antisemitism with modern industrial efficiency. Your experience with kind, gracious Germans doesn’t negate historical fact; it simply reveals your inability to grapple with the complexities of human behavior.
Your visit to Auschwitz, rather than being a moment of reckoning, seems to have been an exercise in confirmation bias. The “evidence” you claim to have uncovered about crematorium capacities and fuel usage has been debunked by legitimate historians repeatedly. To suggest otherwise is to parrot the talking points of Holocaust deniers—a group whose primary agenda is not historical accuracy but minimizing the atrocities committed against Jewish people and others during WWII.
As for your admiration of David Irving, that says more about you than it does about him. Irving is a discredited historian and an unapologetic Holocaust denier, whose "research" has been thoroughly dismantled by experts worldwide. His work is riddled with omissions, fabrications, and outright lies, as documented in the landmark libel trial Irving v. Penguin Books and Deborah Lipstadt. Recommending Irving’s work as “accurate” is akin to recommending flat-earth theories for a study of astronomy. It’s not serious scholarship; it’s propaganda.
Your attempt to frame Holocaust denial as an act of courage or intellectual rigor—“truth does not fear investigation”—is nothing more than a rhetorical shield for bigotry. Let’s not mince words: questioning the Holocaust is antisemitic because it denies or diminishes the suffering of millions of victims and perpetuates the same hatred that fueled the genocide. Antisemitism laws don’t exist to stifle inquiry; they exist to protect societies from the very hate-fueled ideologies you espouse.
In conclusion, your comment doesn’t make you a bold truth-seeker. It makes you a purveyor of falsehoods and a defender of one of history’s greatest evils. For those reading, let this be a reminder that Holocaust denial isn’t just a lie—it’s an act of violence against memory, truth, and the dignity of the victims. And it’s up to all of us to call it out for what it is: despicable, hateful nonsense that has no place in civilized discourse.
You’ve been weighed, measured, and found profoundly wanting.
Why is it illegal to question the voracity of the Holocaust story in a growing number of countries in Europe and elsewhere?
I am not a dishonest individual. I search for truth, which I hold in high esteem.
I don’t know if you are lying or truly believe the unsupported nonsense your are spewing. If the Holocaust was a real event, there would be ample forensic evidence to prove it. But none exists. We have instead stories of questionable eye witness accounts, books, movies and museums dedicated to the topic. It is all propaganda designed to promote Jewish privilege as defined by the author of The Holocaust Narrative, E. Michael Jones. I suggest everyone read his book to learn how we were deceived into this false belief.
If you defend the antisemitism laws, you are anti free-speech. Is simply questioning the “official” narrative antisemitic? Some have spent jail time in Germany and Austria for doing just that. And you would likely call this justice.
Because of people like you we are in danger of losing our freedoms.
Your comment drips with the very paranoia, intellectual dishonesty, and manufactured victimhood that Holocaust denial thrives upon. Let me dismantle your points succinctly:
The reason Holocaust denial is illegal in some countries isn’t because it questions history, but because it weaponizes lies to perpetuate hate, foment division, and glorify genocide. The Holocaust is among the most well-documented events in human history, with overwhelming forensic evidence, survivor testimony, Nazi records, and the liberators’ accounts. Your assertion that “none exists” is as false as it is absurd. If truth is what you seek, start with the mountains of archival records and peer-reviewed research, not propaganda pieces masquerading as scholarship.
You claim to “hold truth in high esteem,” yet you cite E. Michael Jones, a notorious antisemite whose work has been discredited by every credible historian. Promoting his conspiracy theories about “Jewish privilege” is not a pursuit of truth; it’s an endorsement of hate.
As for antisemitism laws, they exist not to stifle free speech, but to prevent the resurgence of genocidal ideologies that have already led to catastrophic loss of life. Questioning the Holocaust isn’t mere “inquiry”—it’s a deliberate act of erasure that denies the suffering of millions and emboldens those who would repeat such atrocities.
The irony of you lamenting the loss of freedoms while defending ideologies that historically stripped entire groups of their humanity is staggering. People like you aren’t defenders of liberty; you’re purveyors of hate, cloaked in the language of “free speech” to justify the indefensible.
The Holocaust is not up for debate. It is a fact. Your denial doesn’t make it less true, just as your rhetoric doesn’t make it less vile.
If you truly value “truth,” I suggest you redirect your efforts to credible sources. Or perhaps it’s time to move on. I’m sure there’s a Riefenstahl “documentary” on YouTube waiting to indulge your Hitler fixation.
It is one thing to say overwhelming forensic evidence exists, but something else to actually provide it. Eyewitness testimony is not forensic evidence. All of your claims are unprovable. And what is wrong with questioning history? Are we to maintain a belief in history as told us when evidence comes out contrary to the historical narrative? This is anti intellectualism. Questioning history does not equate to hate. But a certain cult wants us to believe that.
You are a staunch defender of the status quo. Truth is not in you. I wonder if you are a follower of the Talmud which gives us that lies told to gentiles are not lies but virtuous deceptions.
You know they weren’t all disposed of- the Allies encountered death left in piles - they weren’t all burned up either- the victims were worked, starved, sickened & untreated and even rescuing was dangerous because re-feeding someone who had been starved for so long without caution put bodies in shock. Maybe read or listen to some of what Gen. (later President) Eisenhower or Patton had to say on sight. The next generation of Germans had a lot of confusion to live with to say the least. Some associated with Nazis remained loyal, others broke from it and try to educate others,some tried to hide that they ever were associated- moved away, changed their names. Others struggled to cope at all- I would also recommend the book: My Grandfather Would Have Shot Me by Jennifer Teege
Thank you for bringing clarity and depth to this conversation. It’s essential to counter dangerous narratives with the stark, undeniable truth of history. The piles of bodies left behind, the suffering endured by victims, and even the challenges faced by those attempting to rescue the survivors—these are facts that cannot be erased or twisted to fit some sanitized or sympathetic view of the Nazis.
Eisenhower’s decision to document the camps so thoroughly wasn’t just to inform the world but to preempt the denial and revisionism we see today. The stories of those like Jennifer Teege underscore the generational reckoning with that horror, showing us that even descendants of perpetrators feel the heavy shadow of their ancestors’ actions.
To anyone attempting to downplay or justify these atrocities: history is not on your side. The truth will always outshine your propaganda. Thank you for taking the time to share these important reminders and resources—it’s a necessary stand against dangerous ignorance.
The allies illegally firebombed German cities, illegally targeting civilians. The laborers in the work camps starved because the allies destroyed the transportation systems which prevented food, medicine and supplies from reaching the camps near war's end. We were told the photos of stacked bodies were from Nazi murderers, but that is propaganda. Most died from typhus.
Eisenhower was a mass murderer, contrary to popular belief. He intentionally starved returning German soldiers and reclassified them as disarmed enemy forces or DEFs from POWs in order to skirt the Geneva Convention. General Patton was opposed to Eisenhower's post war policies. Some believe that is why he was murdered.
We have been told a mountain of lies about WWII. But few bother to question the narrative and do serious research. I recommend reading the book Other Losses to get come clarity to what happened at war's end.
Ah, yes, the same tired litany of revisionist drivel, paraded around as though it were historical “clarity.” Let’s dismantle this nonsense, point by point, with the firmness—and contempt—it deserves. But first, for anyone unfortunate enough to stumble across this, let’s acknowledge the source: our friendly neighborhood Nazi, whose Substack isn’t just brimming with Nazi apologetics but also includes unhinged rants about the moon landing being faked and the Earth being flat. Yes, you read that correctly. This is where his mind is parked—firmly in a realm where delusion replaces reason and conspiracy replaces fact. So, with that context established, let’s proceed to shred this fantasy.
1. The Allies firebombed German cities illegally? Germany initiated indiscriminate bombing campaigns against civilian targets, from Guernica to London. Allied bombings, while tragic, were a direct response to total war initiated by the Axis. To claim moral equivalency—or worse, to absolve the Nazis—is absurd.
2. Starving laborers in “work camps”? Let’s not sanitize the Holocaust as “work camps” or suggest their conditions were the Allies’ fault. Those camps were factories of mass murder long before the transportation system was disrupted. Starvation, gas chambers, forced labor, and medical experiments were Nazi policy, not logistical accidents. Stop peddling this grotesque victim-blaming.
3. Typhus killed most camp victims? Another laughable revisionist trope. Typhus did claim lives, but only because the Nazis crammed humans into unlivable, disease-ridden conditions. Stacked bodies in mass graves? That wasn’t propaganda—it was evidence of Nazi depravity.
4. Eisenhower the “mass murderer”? The “DEFs” narrative comes straight from Other Losses, a book so thoroughly debunked it’s only taken seriously in extremist circles. There is no credible evidence that Eisenhower orchestrated starvation on the scale suggested. He adhered to practical post-war policies in a devastated Europe while trying to prevent a resurgence of fascism. But hey, keep flogging discredited conspiracy theories if it soothes your fragile ideology.
5. Patton was murdered for opposing Eisenhower? Another baseless conspiracy theory. Patton’s death was a tragic accident. If you want to invent intrigue, maybe dig into your own cognitive dissonance instead of trying to reanimate historical figures as spokesmen for your nonsense.
6. “Mountain of lies” about WWII? No, the mountain lies with revisionists like you who cherry-pick discredited sources and twist facts to defend a genocidal regime. It’s not “serious research” when you only read propagandistic garbage like Hellstorm. It’s intellectual dishonesty at best, and outright Nazi apologia at worst.
Finally, you cloak your arguments in pseudo-intellectualism, but here’s the truth: You’re defending one of the most morally bankrupt regimes in history. This is not about questioning narratives; it’s about your desperate need to absolve Nazis and smear the Allies. Dismissed.
Hinnenkamp demands “forensic evidence” of Nazi mass murders. OK. Here it is. SEE BELOW. Now what is Hinnenkamp’s “forensic evidence” that these sources are false?
Holocaust denial often relies on distortion and selective interpretation of historical facts, but there is substantial evidence that refutes claims of no forensic evidence for Nazi mass murders. Here are several key sources and types of evidence:
1. **Eyewitness Testimonies**: Thousands of survivors and witnesses have provided detailed accounts of the atrocities committed during the Holocaust. These testimonies include those from former concentration camp inmates, local residents, and even Nazi perpetrators.
2. **Nazi Documentation**: The Nazis kept meticulous records of their operations, including orders, reports, and transport lists. Documents such as the Wannsee Conference minutes, which outlined the plan for the "Final Solution," provide direct evidence of intent and actions taken.
3. **Photographic Evidence**: Numerous photographs taken by the Nazis themselves, as well as by liberating Allied forces, depict mass executions, gas chambers, and the conditions within concentration camps.
4. **Forensic Investigations**: After the war, forensic investigations were conducted at various extermination camps, such as Auschwitz, Treblinka, and Sobibor. These investigations uncovered mass graves, remnants of gas chambers, and other physical evidence of mass killings.
5. **Testimonies from Perpetrators**: Some Nazi officials and soldiers involved in the Holocaust later testified about their actions during war crimes trials, such as the Nuremberg Trials. Their confessions and the details they provided serve as significant evidence.
6. **Research by Historians**: Extensive historical research has been conducted by scholars in Holocaust studies, who have analyzed various forms of evidence, including documents, testimonies, and artifacts from the camps. Works by historians such as Raul Hilberg, Deborah Lipstadt, and others have systematically documented the events.
7. **International and National Investigations**: Various investigations, including those by the United Nations and national governments, have confirmed the systematic nature of the Holocaust and the evidence supporting it.
8. **Physical Remains**: Archaeological excavations at former concentration and extermination camps have unearthed human remains, crematoria, and other physical evidence corroborating the accounts of mass murders.
These sources collectively provide a robust framework of evidence that clearly refutes the claims of Holocaust deniers regarding the absence of forensic evidence of Nazi mass murders.
Excellent analysis of the chilling parallels between two mentally broken, hideous, tyrants. What a sad commentary on humans that we allow such demagoguery, and are fooled so easily.
Took full advantage of the lazy, sub-educated, spineless and the corrupt amongst us.
You have bought into the indoctrination. Have you ever questioned your indoctrination? Or maybe it is you that is the lazy one.
Convicted felon and grifter…. Nuff said!
The drug addict part or the cruelty part?
The Hitler that loved his people and sought nationalism and cultural purity for all European nations. The Hitler that hated Communism and tried to protect Europe from the Bolshevik Communists. Hitler did not want the multiculturalism that is now destroying Christian culture in Europe and beyond.
The cruelty part is an oft repeated myth, and the drug addict part is over stated.
You sure are some kind of troll.
They will never recognize themselves.
It has been horrifying to watch as the Republicans, and trumpers in particular, have spent the past decade normalizing their Hitler worship- remember Donnie had a book of Hitler's speeches by his bed when he was married to Ivana. They started with a few quotes: I remember the vile astroturf group Moms for Liberty citing a Hitler quote- and then walking it back- we didn't know it was Hitler. This happened a few times, then they stopped walking it back. By about three years ago, the trumpers had what Donnie wanted: his hero Adolf was now a respectable figure to the US right.
Plenty of the most deluded of the trumpers actually believe that the Jews were the cause of both world wars, every communicable disease, and have attributed amazing power to George Soros. The extreme support of Israel has nothing to do with the right modifying their hatred of Jews and everything to do with their plan for world domination when the right farm animal is born in the holy land. So sick.
There is an excellent podcast on Spotify that provides over 25 episodes about the rise and fall of Hitler from his early childhood to his demise. At various points throughout the discussion, the parallels between him and Trump are chilling.
What brilliant writing.
A strong case, well argued.
(the equally wonderful) Anne Applebaum adjacent.
And how perfect an illustration of Trump’s acolytes and their views is KJH. It’s almost parodic.
This article and how Patrice Mersault has skewered his critic persuades me to return, to support financially, and to say something in support against such ignorance and hateful comment.
Thank you PM
More like Berlusconi at this point: a clown-show incapable of governing, attracting people through a mixture of grievance and entertaining (?) appeals to the mass's inalienable right to be wrong.
The ONLY way to deal with a shithead, Hitler loving Nazi is to BLOCK them. Just be rid of them. Don’t engage at all. They know their “arguments” are bullshit. Every propagandist does. You think Orange Anus Mouth believes his own bullshit? He knows he’s full of shit, just like this tiny-pricked motherfucker.
I agree with you, Dave. I also believe that with every word, he not only reinforces my argument that Trump supporters and fascists are ideologically intertwined, but he also exposes the depths of their mutual contempt for truth, decency, and humanity. By keeping his words visible, we allow others to witness the lingering hatred and its undeniable connection to Trump’s rhetoric.
Having said that, I have also I’ve deleted dozens of his subsequent unhinged rants—redundant recycled garbage spewed by someone too ignorant to think for himself. True to form, he resorted to threats, a predictable move for a coward clinging to the violent legacy of Nazis. Rest assured, the authorities have been informed.
I ask that readers refrain from engaging with him in the comments section. As Nazi love appears to be his only focus in life, he thrives on opportunities to spew his bile at any audience.
Yes, Trump has taken ideas of how to govern from Hitler and he has expanded those ideas with ideas from Putin on how to govern also. He wants to destroy Democracy and the Republican Party is willing to help him with whatever he wants.
Excellent article. Thank you.
On Großmannssucht, the Hanoverian Kings, and History’s Eternal Refrain
Mersault, your essay draws out the unfortunate persistence of authoritarian tactics with the precision of someone holding up a very unflattering mirror to history.
And what a history it is—rich with echoes of the Großmannssucht gene, that tenacious little thread of overreach that’s worked its way through Arminius to Charlemagne V, George III, George IV, Wilhelm II, Hitler I, and, yes, Trump 0.
Ah, George III, that “founding father” of the British Empire, who also happened to be King of Hannover—a place just 78 kilometers from where I sit, under the shadow of his statue that still rides tall in front of Hannover’s central station. He didn’t just inherit the Großmannssucht gene; he practically embroidered it into the fabric of two empires. His empire-building laid the groundwork for the British colonial machine while casually overseeing Hannover, as if one kingdom wasn’t already enough work.
George IV was no slouch in the grandeur department either, though his reign often looked more like a vanity project than effective governance. It seems this gene loves a good statue, a bold proclamation, and a soft spot for inherited power.
And now we find ourselves at Trump 0, where this gene has evolved into a reality-TV version of itself. No statues yet, but plenty of golden branding and a rally-ready base willing to chant the slogans. The tools may have changed, but the tactics remain the same: amplify grievances, scapegoat the vulnerable, and project strength while dismantling everything that holds a democracy together.
What’s fascinating is how these figures rarely succeed alone.
The Großmannssucht gene thrives in an ecosystem of enablers—courtiers, politicians, and followers who mistake self-aggrandizement for vision. It’s not just the kings, emperors, or wannabe dictators; it’s the systems and people that prop them up, clapping and cheering as the whole structure begins to wobble.
Your essay reminds us that history doesn’t just rhyme—it occasionally plagiarizes.
And here we are again, staring at the same narrative, hoping someone, somewhere, decides not to hit repeat. Maybe this time, Hannover won’t have to add another statue to the lineup.
That is solid work.
I'll point out other pieces with more angles on American (neo)fascism.
Again, I ask what is the difference between ignoring and blocking someone on SubStack. What is the best way to prevent exposure the deluded and the vile that sometimes troll here?
I hear you, Frank. The best way to deal with the deranged is often to let them speak and reveal themselves for who they truly are. Sure, I could block him—but as Louis Brandeis famously said, “Sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants.” Trolls and their hateful rhetoric wither when exposed to light and the scrutiny of rational minds. With every sentence, he not only justifies my point that Trump supporters and fascists walk hand in hand, but he also lays bare the depths of their shared disdain for truth, decency, and humanity itself. By leaving his words in the open, we ensure that others can see the hatred still festering and its unmistakable alignment with Trump’s rhetoric.
Nevertheless, to block someone:
Go to the comment or profile of the person you want to block.
Click the three dots (•••) next to their name or comment.
Select "Block user" from the dropdown menu.
Confirm the action when prompted.
I’m not familiar with an official “Ignore” feature on Substack. Personally, I manage it the traditional way—by selectively dismissing certain people from my attention. After all, Substack offers plenty that’s worth ignoring.
I guess the proper word is mute rather than ignore, but nothing tells me the difference between muting and blocking. Maybe blocking is like Facebook where both can’t see anything the other writes while muting would make it so I don’t see his ramblings while he might see mine.
I should have asked him if the world was flat in his universe. Perhaps the earth is still the center of his universe. Or maybe the stars are just painted on a clear dome surrounding his earth. It takes all kinds I guess.
You're spot on. I checked out his profile (so you don't have to). He's a flat-earther, thinks the moon landing was faked, believes vaccines have microchips, and is neck-deep in the QAnon rabbit hole. My advice? Don’t bother engaging. As Mark Twain said, “Never argue with a fool; onlookers may not be able to tell the difference.”
I’m sure there’s a nice cabinet position he could fill in the upcoming administration
You have mixed together a narrative containing truths and untruths about Hitler. Adolf Hitler gave Germans back their self respect that was taken from them following WWI. International Jews were responsible for both world wars, since the white culture of Germany was superior to other cultures it therefore was targeted for destruction by the international banking cabal.
The truth of the matter is that Germans were aware of the Communist Revolution in Russia and how the Bolsheviks murdered the Christians in Russia and also anyone who stood in their way. Hitler tried to prevent what happened in Russia to happen in Germany, (and also Spain) a predominantly Christian nation.
The “official” narrative of Hitler and WWII is mostly untrue.
Your comment, rife with historical inaccuracies and unapologetic antisemitism, serves as a chilling reminder of how deeply the rot of hatred and propaganda still festers. While I typically prefer to engage with arguments on their merits, your screed is utterly devoid of merit and serves only to illustrate the precise danger I addressed in my article.
Let’s unpack your points for the benefit of others reading, though I suspect you’ll cling to your warped worldview regardless.
First, your absurd glorification of Adolf Hitler as a champion of German "self-respect" is textbook Nazi apologia. What Hitler gave Germany was not self-respect but ruin: moral, social, and physical devastation on an unprecedented scale. His policies led to the deaths of millions, including 6 million Jews, millions of Slavs, Romani, disabled individuals, political dissidents, and countless others. His "vision" left Germany a smoldering wasteland by 1945, hardly a testament to "respect" by any rational standard.
Your claim that "international Jews" were responsible for both world wars is as vile as it is false. This classic antisemitic trope has been debunked repeatedly by serious historians, yet it remains a go-to for those who wish to cloak their hatred in pseudo-historical babble. The assertion reeks of Nazi propaganda, which blamed Jews for everything from economic hardship to cultural decline, all to justify genocide.
Moreover, your attempt to frame Hitler as a savior protecting Germany from the Bolsheviks is laughable. Hitler didn’t protect; he persecuted, invaded, and annihilated. His actions against the Soviet Union and others were driven not by noble ideals but by a warped racial ideology and lust for power. And your revisionist dismissal of the “official” narrative of Hitler and WWII is nothing more than Holocaust denial masquerading as contrarianism—reprehensible, dangerous, and legally recognized as hate speech in many countries.
To my broader audience, take note of this: comments like these are not mere disagreements—they are proof of the dangerous ideologies that persist in the shadows and now, alarmingly, in plain sight. This commenter is emblematic of the kind of person Trump’s divisive rhetoric and lies embolden: individuals who romanticize fascism, spread antisemitic conspiracy theories, and idolize one of history’s most notorious mass murderers. Their delusions are a warning sign of the perilous road we risk traveling again if we don’t remain vigilant.
To you, Mr. Hinnenkamp (assuming that’s your real name and not an alias borrowed from some revisionist chatroom), I’ll say this: your bigotry is showing. Your attempts to justify Hitler's atrocities or smear Jewish people as scapegoats for global conflicts are contemptible and betray a deep ignorance of history and humanity. Hitler was not misunderstood. He was not a savior. He was a tyrant, a murderer, and the architect of unspeakable suffering. To defend him is to align yourself with one of history’s darkest chapters, and for that, you earn nothing but scorn from decent, thinking people.
Finally, let me be clear: this conversation is not about you. You are merely a symptom of the sickness my original argument addressed. The disease is the normalization of lies, hatred, and authoritarianism, and you have graciously provided Exhibit A. Thank you for proving my point.
As for “forensic proof”, my family was there and lived through WWII - but they were devout Christians and part of the “resistance” who smuggled food and supplies to Jews who were hiding. My mother helped forge documents to help young German men with a conscience who wanted no part in this evil to get out. She was very good at it. So, trying to re-write history and convince people that none of this happened is an insult to anyone with a modicum of intelligence.
It's staggering to see how persistent propaganda can be. Even nearly a century later. The post Confederate "lost cause " narrative is another example. The lies that fuel tyranny are remain attractive to the worst parts of our societies and cling to life for generations
“What Hitler gave Germany was not self-respect but ruin:” The ruin of the German Christian nation was engineered by Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill. They all had Jewish handlers if you care to investigate the history honestly. But rather than do an honest historical review, you seem instead intent on defending the official narrative which has little truth in it.
Your propaganda is running out of steam. It’s clear you’ve spent considerable time “educating” yourself, but tragically, on hateful and reprehensible lies.
Blaming Germany’s ruin on a supposed cabal of “Jewish handlers” isn’t historical inquiry—it’s antisemitic drivel recycled from the very ideology that led to genocide. The overwhelming evidence of history, from Nazi records to survivor testimony, renders your revisionism not just false but morally bankrupt.
You may cling to these distortions, but the truth doesn’t bend to your hateful agenda. Your worldview is hollow, your arguments are pitiful, and your time has been wasted defending the indefensible.
I suggest you rethink where you invest your time and intellect—there’s no redemption in defending the indefensible.
“Defending the indefensible” is exactly what you are doing. If you have any truth to offer about the Holocaust, provide us with any forensic evidence. If the event really happened, there must be plenty of forensic evidence to be found. Many have searched for it and none can be found. If you come up with some, you would be the first to do so.
You are desperately trying to maintain your hate for Hitler and the Germans of WWII. Your belief system is not credible. It is yours, but it was framed by the lies we were all told. Some of us have looked into it and found the narrative lacking.
It is well known by now that the Nuremburg trials were influenced by threats and torture of the “witnesses.” Your knowledge of history is slanted by the lies of the “official” narrative. You may believe them, but to repeat them without serious investigation is disingenuous.
I must admit, I delight in this exchange—not because your arguments are compelling (they’re anything but), but because with every sentence you write, you unwittingly bolster my points. You exemplify the very denialism, revisionism, and deep-seated hate that I’ve been warning against.
Alas, I’ve grown weary of entertaining your vile worldview. It’s not thought-provoking; it’s tired, toxic, and profoundly irrelevant. Perhaps it’s time you found a more receptive audience—8chan, perhaps, where your revisionist fantasies will feel right at home.
Yours in exhausted incredulity,
I am still waiting for that forensic evidence you claim exists. Anyone following this exchange can look into the authors and info I have recommended here and decide for themselves.
And btw, who is behind the genocide in Gaza? Care to enlighten us? Is the ghost of Hitler back?
My guess is you are unaware of what was called the Holodomor. Who murders whom?
Wow! You spent 2 whole years in Germany and visited concentration camps? So Hitler justifiably killed millions of Jews to save Christians? Oh, honey, if THIS is what Christianity is all about, then I’m thrilled I’m not one. My mother was one of those Jews who managed to live thru the war in Berlin. Her first hand account paints the exact picture of where Hilter will always remain: at the bottom of the dung heap of history. And if you talk to Germans today; they are ashamed of their Nazi past. My mother died in 2011. She was always afraid of this country doing the same thing here. I’m ashamed to say, that I laughed at that prospect then. I will take my mother’s historical account of Hitler and the Nazis any day over your hatefilled interpretation.
Thank you for speaking up. One my dearest friends” parent survived Auschwitz and showed me their blue tattoos to make sure I fully understood the horror of that experience.
The Germans have been propagandized to hate their Nazi past. It was such that Ernst Zundel, a German, was led to believe the horrors committed by the National Socialists. He was ashamed to be German. Till he found out what the truth was.
Monika Shaefer, a lady of German heritage, was also propagandized by the public school system in Canada to be ashamed of her heritage.
So the demonizing of the National Socialists was part of the schooling (indoctrination) in Germany and Canada. And now we have lessons about the Holocaust being taught to school children in over half of the States in the US.
Both Ernst and Monika (and Monika’s brother) were incarcerated for questioning the truth of the Holocaust narrative.
So if the narrative was true, how did your mother manage to escape the trials and tribulations of the Nazi regime? And did your mother benefit from German reparations paid by the Germans to Jews who survived the Holocaust? Is there a monetary incentive to perpetuate the Holocaust narrative? You are damn right there is.
And that’s why they murdered so many of the confessing Christian ministers? That’s why Goebbels loved the ancient pagan rites and why Wagner’s Gotterdammerung sounds a fitting end to the horrors of Nazism.
You are reaching here. Anyone here prepared to provide forensic evidence of the Holocaust? I thought not.
You would have burned Galileo alive for his discoveries. I too am descendant of German immigrants, but unlike you and Trump, disavowed all the nasty Nazi claims and served loyally in the American military in both world wars. Obviously your family didn’t or they would be embarrassed by your antisemitism and fascism.
You cultists never give up. Fortunately you are fighting a losing battle. People are waking up all over the place to the lies of history that people of your cult promote.
The evils of multiculturalism.
Forensic evidence? Applause, applause…you get a standing ovation for gaslighting! Only the best for your kind.
How is forensic evidence gaslighting? Do you even know what the term means? You promoters of lies are never short of ridiculous comments.
I am not ignorant of history, both official and revisionist. As it turns out I spent two years in Germany and found the Germans to be gracious and kind, not the sort of people that would engage in genocide. They were Christians. Christians don’t indiscriminately murder people, German Christians or otherwise.
I visited Auschwitz in person. At the time I was undecided as to whether the Holocaust was real or made up. What I discovered is that the crematoriums on site were insufficient to dispose of all the bodies claimed to have been murdered there. Other historians have looked into Auschwitz and concluded that there was not enough fuel on site to have consumed so many bodies as claimed.
Since then I have been following those who have written true histories of WWII. One example is David Irving. He uncovered source documents and interviewed those that lived through the period and were still alive. He gathered diaries and minutes of meetings. His books are the most accurate portrayals of the time. I highly recommend his book on the Nuremburg Trials.
Obviously anyone who questions the official narrative is characterized as antisemitic. But as any thinking person knows, truth does not fear investigation. But lies require defense such as the antisemitism laws.
Anyone that wants to do a deep dive into the Holocaust can visit this site.
Your comment is a masterclass in pseudo-intellectual dishonesty, and it’s hard to know where to begin unraveling such a tangled mess of revisionism and ignorance. But let’s make one thing clear for everyone reading: your position isn’t about uncovering “truth”; it’s about peddling long-debunked Holocaust denial, wrapped in a veneer of faux-scholarly inquiry.
First, the claim that “Christians don’t indiscriminately murder people” is as ahistorical as it is absurd. Religious identity, including Christianity, has never been a shield against barbarism. German Christians—including members of the clergy—played significant roles in enabling and executing the Holocaust. The Holocaust was not a rejection of German society’s values; it was the culmination of them under a regime that fused centuries of antisemitism with modern industrial efficiency. Your experience with kind, gracious Germans doesn’t negate historical fact; it simply reveals your inability to grapple with the complexities of human behavior.
Your visit to Auschwitz, rather than being a moment of reckoning, seems to have been an exercise in confirmation bias. The “evidence” you claim to have uncovered about crematorium capacities and fuel usage has been debunked by legitimate historians repeatedly. To suggest otherwise is to parrot the talking points of Holocaust deniers—a group whose primary agenda is not historical accuracy but minimizing the atrocities committed against Jewish people and others during WWII.
As for your admiration of David Irving, that says more about you than it does about him. Irving is a discredited historian and an unapologetic Holocaust denier, whose "research" has been thoroughly dismantled by experts worldwide. His work is riddled with omissions, fabrications, and outright lies, as documented in the landmark libel trial Irving v. Penguin Books and Deborah Lipstadt. Recommending Irving’s work as “accurate” is akin to recommending flat-earth theories for a study of astronomy. It’s not serious scholarship; it’s propaganda.
Your attempt to frame Holocaust denial as an act of courage or intellectual rigor—“truth does not fear investigation”—is nothing more than a rhetorical shield for bigotry. Let’s not mince words: questioning the Holocaust is antisemitic because it denies or diminishes the suffering of millions of victims and perpetuates the same hatred that fueled the genocide. Antisemitism laws don’t exist to stifle inquiry; they exist to protect societies from the very hate-fueled ideologies you espouse.
In conclusion, your comment doesn’t make you a bold truth-seeker. It makes you a purveyor of falsehoods and a defender of one of history’s greatest evils. For those reading, let this be a reminder that Holocaust denial isn’t just a lie—it’s an act of violence against memory, truth, and the dignity of the victims. And it’s up to all of us to call it out for what it is: despicable, hateful nonsense that has no place in civilized discourse.
You’ve been weighed, measured, and found profoundly wanting.
Why is it illegal to question the voracity of the Holocaust story in a growing number of countries in Europe and elsewhere?
I am not a dishonest individual. I search for truth, which I hold in high esteem.
I don’t know if you are lying or truly believe the unsupported nonsense your are spewing. If the Holocaust was a real event, there would be ample forensic evidence to prove it. But none exists. We have instead stories of questionable eye witness accounts, books, movies and museums dedicated to the topic. It is all propaganda designed to promote Jewish privilege as defined by the author of The Holocaust Narrative, E. Michael Jones. I suggest everyone read his book to learn how we were deceived into this false belief.
If you defend the antisemitism laws, you are anti free-speech. Is simply questioning the “official” narrative antisemitic? Some have spent jail time in Germany and Austria for doing just that. And you would likely call this justice.
Because of people like you we are in danger of losing our freedoms.
Dear Herr Hinnenkamp,
Your comment drips with the very paranoia, intellectual dishonesty, and manufactured victimhood that Holocaust denial thrives upon. Let me dismantle your points succinctly:
The reason Holocaust denial is illegal in some countries isn’t because it questions history, but because it weaponizes lies to perpetuate hate, foment division, and glorify genocide. The Holocaust is among the most well-documented events in human history, with overwhelming forensic evidence, survivor testimony, Nazi records, and the liberators’ accounts. Your assertion that “none exists” is as false as it is absurd. If truth is what you seek, start with the mountains of archival records and peer-reviewed research, not propaganda pieces masquerading as scholarship.
You claim to “hold truth in high esteem,” yet you cite E. Michael Jones, a notorious antisemite whose work has been discredited by every credible historian. Promoting his conspiracy theories about “Jewish privilege” is not a pursuit of truth; it’s an endorsement of hate.
As for antisemitism laws, they exist not to stifle free speech, but to prevent the resurgence of genocidal ideologies that have already led to catastrophic loss of life. Questioning the Holocaust isn’t mere “inquiry”—it’s a deliberate act of erasure that denies the suffering of millions and emboldens those who would repeat such atrocities.
The irony of you lamenting the loss of freedoms while defending ideologies that historically stripped entire groups of their humanity is staggering. People like you aren’t defenders of liberty; you’re purveyors of hate, cloaked in the language of “free speech” to justify the indefensible.
The Holocaust is not up for debate. It is a fact. Your denial doesn’t make it less true, just as your rhetoric doesn’t make it less vile.
If you truly value “truth,” I suggest you redirect your efforts to credible sources. Or perhaps it’s time to move on. I’m sure there’s a Riefenstahl “documentary” on YouTube waiting to indulge your Hitler fixation.
Yours, with diminishing patience,
Dearest but misinformed Mersault,
It is one thing to say overwhelming forensic evidence exists, but something else to actually provide it. Eyewitness testimony is not forensic evidence. All of your claims are unprovable. And what is wrong with questioning history? Are we to maintain a belief in history as told us when evidence comes out contrary to the historical narrative? This is anti intellectualism. Questioning history does not equate to hate. But a certain cult wants us to believe that.
You are a staunch defender of the status quo. Truth is not in you. I wonder if you are a follower of the Talmud which gives us that lies told to gentiles are not lies but virtuous deceptions.
You know they weren’t all disposed of- the Allies encountered death left in piles - they weren’t all burned up either- the victims were worked, starved, sickened & untreated and even rescuing was dangerous because re-feeding someone who had been starved for so long without caution put bodies in shock. Maybe read or listen to some of what Gen. (later President) Eisenhower or Patton had to say on sight. The next generation of Germans had a lot of confusion to live with to say the least. Some associated with Nazis remained loyal, others broke from it and try to educate others,some tried to hide that they ever were associated- moved away, changed their names. Others struggled to cope at all- I would also recommend the book: My Grandfather Would Have Shot Me by Jennifer Teege
Dear Christine,
Thank you for bringing clarity and depth to this conversation. It’s essential to counter dangerous narratives with the stark, undeniable truth of history. The piles of bodies left behind, the suffering endured by victims, and even the challenges faced by those attempting to rescue the survivors—these are facts that cannot be erased or twisted to fit some sanitized or sympathetic view of the Nazis.
Eisenhower’s decision to document the camps so thoroughly wasn’t just to inform the world but to preempt the denial and revisionism we see today. The stories of those like Jennifer Teege underscore the generational reckoning with that horror, showing us that even descendants of perpetrators feel the heavy shadow of their ancestors’ actions.
To anyone attempting to downplay or justify these atrocities: history is not on your side. The truth will always outshine your propaganda. Thank you for taking the time to share these important reminders and resources—it’s a necessary stand against dangerous ignorance.
The allies illegally firebombed German cities, illegally targeting civilians. The laborers in the work camps starved because the allies destroyed the transportation systems which prevented food, medicine and supplies from reaching the camps near war's end. We were told the photos of stacked bodies were from Nazi murderers, but that is propaganda. Most died from typhus.
Eisenhower was a mass murderer, contrary to popular belief. He intentionally starved returning German soldiers and reclassified them as disarmed enemy forces or DEFs from POWs in order to skirt the Geneva Convention. General Patton was opposed to Eisenhower's post war policies. Some believe that is why he was murdered.
We have been told a mountain of lies about WWII. But few bother to question the narrative and do serious research. I recommend reading the book Other Losses to get come clarity to what happened at war's end.
I also recommend reading Hellstorm. Here is a link to a video documentary of the book with an introduction by the author.
Ah, yes, the same tired litany of revisionist drivel, paraded around as though it were historical “clarity.” Let’s dismantle this nonsense, point by point, with the firmness—and contempt—it deserves. But first, for anyone unfortunate enough to stumble across this, let’s acknowledge the source: our friendly neighborhood Nazi, whose Substack isn’t just brimming with Nazi apologetics but also includes unhinged rants about the moon landing being faked and the Earth being flat. Yes, you read that correctly. This is where his mind is parked—firmly in a realm where delusion replaces reason and conspiracy replaces fact. So, with that context established, let’s proceed to shred this fantasy.
1. The Allies firebombed German cities illegally? Germany initiated indiscriminate bombing campaigns against civilian targets, from Guernica to London. Allied bombings, while tragic, were a direct response to total war initiated by the Axis. To claim moral equivalency—or worse, to absolve the Nazis—is absurd.
2. Starving laborers in “work camps”? Let’s not sanitize the Holocaust as “work camps” or suggest their conditions were the Allies’ fault. Those camps were factories of mass murder long before the transportation system was disrupted. Starvation, gas chambers, forced labor, and medical experiments were Nazi policy, not logistical accidents. Stop peddling this grotesque victim-blaming.
3. Typhus killed most camp victims? Another laughable revisionist trope. Typhus did claim lives, but only because the Nazis crammed humans into unlivable, disease-ridden conditions. Stacked bodies in mass graves? That wasn’t propaganda—it was evidence of Nazi depravity.
4. Eisenhower the “mass murderer”? The “DEFs” narrative comes straight from Other Losses, a book so thoroughly debunked it’s only taken seriously in extremist circles. There is no credible evidence that Eisenhower orchestrated starvation on the scale suggested. He adhered to practical post-war policies in a devastated Europe while trying to prevent a resurgence of fascism. But hey, keep flogging discredited conspiracy theories if it soothes your fragile ideology.
5. Patton was murdered for opposing Eisenhower? Another baseless conspiracy theory. Patton’s death was a tragic accident. If you want to invent intrigue, maybe dig into your own cognitive dissonance instead of trying to reanimate historical figures as spokesmen for your nonsense.
6. “Mountain of lies” about WWII? No, the mountain lies with revisionists like you who cherry-pick discredited sources and twist facts to defend a genocidal regime. It’s not “serious research” when you only read propagandistic garbage like Hellstorm. It’s intellectual dishonesty at best, and outright Nazi apologia at worst.
Finally, you cloak your arguments in pseudo-intellectualism, but here’s the truth: You’re defending one of the most morally bankrupt regimes in history. This is not about questioning narratives; it’s about your desperate need to absolve Nazis and smear the Allies. Dismissed.
Hinnenkamp demands “forensic evidence” of Nazi mass murders. OK. Here it is. SEE BELOW. Now what is Hinnenkamp’s “forensic evidence” that these sources are false?
Holocaust denial often relies on distortion and selective interpretation of historical facts, but there is substantial evidence that refutes claims of no forensic evidence for Nazi mass murders. Here are several key sources and types of evidence:
1. **Eyewitness Testimonies**: Thousands of survivors and witnesses have provided detailed accounts of the atrocities committed during the Holocaust. These testimonies include those from former concentration camp inmates, local residents, and even Nazi perpetrators.
2. **Nazi Documentation**: The Nazis kept meticulous records of their operations, including orders, reports, and transport lists. Documents such as the Wannsee Conference minutes, which outlined the plan for the "Final Solution," provide direct evidence of intent and actions taken.
3. **Photographic Evidence**: Numerous photographs taken by the Nazis themselves, as well as by liberating Allied forces, depict mass executions, gas chambers, and the conditions within concentration camps.
4. **Forensic Investigations**: After the war, forensic investigations were conducted at various extermination camps, such as Auschwitz, Treblinka, and Sobibor. These investigations uncovered mass graves, remnants of gas chambers, and other physical evidence of mass killings.
5. **Testimonies from Perpetrators**: Some Nazi officials and soldiers involved in the Holocaust later testified about their actions during war crimes trials, such as the Nuremberg Trials. Their confessions and the details they provided serve as significant evidence.
6. **Research by Historians**: Extensive historical research has been conducted by scholars in Holocaust studies, who have analyzed various forms of evidence, including documents, testimonies, and artifacts from the camps. Works by historians such as Raul Hilberg, Deborah Lipstadt, and others have systematically documented the events.
7. **International and National Investigations**: Various investigations, including those by the United Nations and national governments, have confirmed the systematic nature of the Holocaust and the evidence supporting it.
8. **Physical Remains**: Archaeological excavations at former concentration and extermination camps have unearthed human remains, crematoria, and other physical evidence corroborating the accounts of mass murders.
These sources collectively provide a robust framework of evidence that clearly refutes the claims of Holocaust deniers regarding the absence of forensic evidence of Nazi mass murders.